Our Code of Conduct
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“I will make every FedEx experience outstanding.”—The Purple Promise
Great customer service and ethical behavior build the trust that is the lifeblood of our company. Trust changes people into customers. Get to know our Code and what the Purple Promise means for you.
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Letter from our President and CEO
The world relies on FedEx to deliver. We have earned this trust by connecting people and possibilities resourcefully, responsibly, and with integrity. I am proud of what our team has built over a half-century and counting, and I am energized by our mission to move FedEx and the world from now to next.
While driving what’s next means innovating and evolving to meet the needs of our customers, one thing that will never change is our insistence that ethical decision-making be first and foremost in all that we do.

FedEx has a culture of accountability, collaboration, innovation, and action. We take our pledge to always do the right thing incredibly seriously. We count on you to lead by example, to honor your commitments, and to uphold the law, our policies, and our culture values, which include taking care of each other, doing good, owning outstanding, driving business results, and creating what’s next.
The FedEx Code of Conduct is a resource for all team members and covers key legal, ethical, and behavioral expectations every FedEx team member is required to follow. We have an open-door policy at FedEx, which means any team member can speak with a manager, human resources, or a legal representative at any time for advice, guidance, or to raise concerns. You may also contact the FedEx Alert Line if you believe a violation of the law, our Code, or our policies has occurred. Our Code forbids any form of retaliation against you for reporting concerns in good faith, and we will always act quickly and diligently to review and resolve issues if they arise.
FedEx is one of the world’s most trusted and admired companies because of the dedication and drive of our team members. Thank you for delivering on our Purple Promise—to make every FedEx experience outstanding. Every day, we build upon our legacy and strengthen FedEx for the future by acting with integrity and never settling for being better when the world needs our best.
Raj Subramaniam
President and CEO
Integrity matters
Our Code describes our commitment to ethics and compliance and serves as a guide for all team members. Our goal is to provide you with the information and tools you need to perform your job and keep the trust of team members, customers, and the communities where we do business.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are unsure of what to do, ask your manager, human resources, security, the legal department, or the corporate integrity and compliance department at integrity@fedex.com.
By acting ethically and following the principles in the Code, we deliver the Purple Promise and help ensure our continued shared success.