Dangerous goods: resources
We have job aids, checklists and more to help you prepare dangerous goods shipments.
Shipping hazardous materials via FedEx Ground® service? Start here.
The information on this page includes your key resources for shipping dangerous goods. Many of these forms and job aids are updated on a regular basis, so keep checking back for the most current information.
FedEx offers helpful aids to check procedures for shipping dangerous goods.
For all lithium battery job aids and checklists, click here.
Resources | More Information |
Information for new dangerous goods shippers
New to shipping dangerous goods (DG)? Refer to this brochure for details on determining whether your shipment qualifies as DG, opportunities for training, staying current on regulations, FedEx resources you can use, and other information that will help you safely ship your dangerous goods. |
Information on regulations
Ensure your dangerous goods package adheres to the proper IATA/ICAO regulations before shipping with FedEx. |
Overview of shipping dangerous goods | FedEx provides a dangerous goods job aid to assist you in completing Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods documentation. |
Undeclared/hidden dangerous goods |
Unsure whether your commodity must be offered as dangerous goods? Refer to this brochure as a starting point to help you make that determination. |
PDF copies of the FedEx checklists used during package inspection of dangerous goods are provided to help you double-check dangerous goods documentation, markings, labeling, and packaging prior to tendering your shipment. The appropriate reference in the regulations is provided for each checklist item number if you need more information. |
Dry ice information
Whether you’re new to shipping dry ice as a coolant or are an experienced shipper, refer to the FedEx dry ice job aid for information on packaging, marking, and labeling your shipment; tips for preparing paperwork; and details on other resources. |
Ethyl alcohol exceptions:
Products containing ethyl alcohol are usually flammable and considered dangerous goods or hazardous materials. However, there is an exception in the 49 Code of Federal Regulations (49CFR), 173.150(g), which may allow them to be shipped as nonregulated or nonhazardous, within the U.S. only. |
FedEx automation
Download the FedEx Ship Manager® Software help guide if you use FedEx Ship Manager Software to process dangerous goods and hazardous materials shipments for transport. The guide provides instructions for creating shipments and shipping profiles, printing forms, and building a database of frequently shipped dangerous goods and hazardous materials. |
FedEx Ship Manager® Ground HazMat Shipping overview
Download the FedEx Ship Manager Ground HazMat Shipping overview to learn how the Ground HazMat service can allow customers to ship hazardous materials within the U.S. (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada). |
Lithium battery job aids
Lithium batteries are commonly used in devices such as mobile phones, laptops, watches, cameras, and toys. However, lithium battery shipments or shipments with items that contain charged batteries can overheat and ignite in certain conditions, and once ignited may be difficult to extinguish. As a result there are several regulations surrounding the safe transport of lithium batteries. |
"Not Restricted" Declaration Form |
You can use this form to certify that the contents of your shipment are not regulated as dangerous goods (nonhazardous chemicals, for example). |
Packaging brochures
FedEx offers expert packaging advice for your shipments. For information on specific commodities, download these helpful brochures. |
Regulatory compliance | FedEx complies with all federal and state laws and regulations that apply to the services we offer. For more information, read our dangerous goods and hazardous materials regulatory compliance letter. |
Shipper's Declaration Blank Forms
You can also download and print this PDF version of the LZR DG DEC (14 Kb PDF) if you’re out of copies and your new supply hasn’t arrived yet (a color printer is required). |
Shipping tips
Save time and avoid unnecessary delays by referring to these 10 key tips when you process and package your FedEx® shipments containing dangerous goods. |
Software vendors
These vendor software applications have been reviewed and recognized for use with FedEx. In the U.S., call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 and say “dangerous goods”. Outside the U.S., call 1.901.375.6806. |
Other resources
Outside the U.S., call 1.901.375.6806 for the dangerous goods/hazardous materials hotline. |
*Disclaimer: Proper training is required under federal, state and/or international regulations to handle, ship, package or transport dangerous goods and/or hazardous materials. All persons and entities must comply with all federal, state, or international governmental regulations and requirements including, but not limited to, the specific training requirements of 49 C.F.R. (172.700–172.704). FedEx provides materials and advice as a courtesy, to be used as guidelines to assist properly trained shippers. The information provided by FedEx in no way alters, satisfies or influences any federal, state or international governmental requirements. The information provided does not meet the training requirements as required by regulations, including DOT 49 C.F.R. The study and/or use of this information does not qualify an individual to prepare, package, transport or otherwise handle dangerous goods or hazardous materials. The information contained in this document is subject to change or update due to changing government regulations. The user of this information assumes responsibility for complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the shipment of dangerous goods. FedEx shall not be held responsible for any loss, injury and/or damage caused by errors, omissions, misprints or misrepresentations of the contents of this document or for any unauthorized or inappropriate use.
The FedEx Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods templates available below may not be used for most dangerous goods shipments. Shippers must use FedEx automated shipping solutions or FedEx recognized vendor systems to prepare Shipper's Declarations. These systems incorporate data-compliance checks that help prevent documentation errors and reduce associated penalties and fines. For a list of FedEx recognized vendors, or to read FX-18 in the current FedEx operator variations, see Regulatory Updates.
FedEx Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods templates may only be used for: 1) radioactive materials; 2) shipments that use an 023 air waybill (FedEx International Express Freight® and FedEx International Premium® services); or 3) shipments that originate outside of the United States (including U.S. territories).
Note: All completed forms should have red hatchings on the sides, whether preprinted or printed via computer.
If you have any questions on how to prepare your dangerous goods shipment, please call the FedEx dangerous goods/hazardous materials hotline at 1.800.463.3339 and say “dangerous goods” to reach trained personnel. Outside the U.S., call 1.901.375.6806.
To read PDF files, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or plug-in.
Shipper's Declaration Form for color printers
The template below is designed for printing on color printers using plain 8-1/2” x 11” paper. If you do not have a color printer, you should not use this template.
Shipper's Declaration Form for black-and-white printers
FedEx also provides a template designed for use on black-and-white printers. This form requires the use of special FedEx form blanks, called LZR DG DEC. These blank forms contain preprinted red vertical hatchings. When these templates are used, they will print the Shipper's Declaration within the red hatchings. Customers in the U.S. can order LZR DG DEC blanks part #157295 by calling 1.800.463.3339.
Dangerous goods/hazardous materials hotline
1.800.463.3339 and say “dangerous goods”
- Get information on packaging, marking, labeling and documentation for a FedEx dangerous goods or FedEx hazardous materials shipment.
- Ask about dangerous goods and hazardous materials surcharges that may apply to your shipment.
- Learn more about FedEx operator variations posted in the IATA regulations.
- Get details on FedEx dangerous goods seminars or FedEx hazardous materials online training.
- Request a faxed copy of a sample Shipper's Declaration from our dangerous goods software.
- Ask dangerous-goods-related, nontechnical questions about our software.
- Get information about dangerous goods preapprovals or your hazardous materials contract.
- Outside the U.S., call 1.901.375.6806.
U.S. Customer Service
- Schedule a pickup of FedEx dangerous goods or FedEx hazardous materials.
- Order supplies for a dangerous goods or hazardous materials shipment.
- Get information about shipping firearms.
International Customer Service
1.800.463.3339 and say “international services”
Determine whether a dangerous goods commodity can be shipped via FedEx International Priority® or FedEx International Economy® to an international destination.
FedEx Express® Freight Customer Service
Determine whether a dangerous goods commodity can be shipped via FedEx Express Freight to an international destination.
Request FedEx Ship Manager® Software.
Billing inquiries
Ask questions about your dangerous goods invoice.
These organizations are useful sources of information on how to safely ship dangerous goods. FedEx is not responsible for the contents of their websites.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Website: https://www.faa.gov/hazmat/what_is_hazmat
Email Address: hazmatinfo@faa.gov
International Air Transportation Association (IATA)
Website: https://www.iata.org/whatwedo/cargo/dgr/pages/index.aspx
U.S. Department of Transportation/Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (DOT/PHMSA)
Website: https://www.phmsa.dot.gov
Hazardous Materials Information Center Email Address: infocntr@dot.gov
Training for dangerous goods shippers
The federal government requires every dangerous goods shipper to have job-specific dangerous goods training before tendering a dangerous goods shipment to FedEx or another air carrier. FedEx sponsors a number of seminars that provide you with the government-required training you need. Learn more and register online.
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