FedEx Express and TNT in Thailand became one company

Effective December 1, 2023, FedEx and TNT are joining forces in Thailand. What is changing, and what remains the same? Below you can find all necessary information.

What is changing?

Company Name FedEx Express International (Thailand) Limited Federal Express (Thailand) Limited
Tax ID 0105561184279 0105537121271
Payment details Funds transfer
  • Account holder: FedEx Express International (Thailand) Limited
  • Bank Name: Bangkok Bank PCL.
  • Bank Account No. 101-348153-4
  • Bank Code: 002
  • Branch number: 0101
  • Swift Code: BKKBTHBK
  • Account holder: Federal Express (Thailand) Ltd. 
  • Bank Name: Bangkok bank PCL 
  • Bank Account No: 101-3-49330-7 
  • Comp Code: 44234
  • Bank Code: 002
  • Branch number: 0101
  • Swift Code: BKKBTHBK
Online bill payment
Via Kasikornbank
  • Comp code:34687

Via Other Banks
  • Biller ID: 010556118427900
Via Kasikornbank
  • Comp Code: 34687 
  • Ref1: 128300 

Via Other Banks
  • Company Name: Federal Express (Thailand) Limited 
  •    Biller ID: 010553712127101
Remittance advice
Please send your remittance advice detail information to per usual.
Your invoices Our legal entity name and bank account name on the invoices will change. There may also be some changes in how the invoices look. 
Withholding tax  and VAT treatment Please refer to this page for more details of WHT and VAT treatment for tax invoices of FedEx Express service after December 1, 2023.

What remains unchanged?

Our services

Explore wide range of our unchanged services here.​

Your account

There are no changes to your existing FedEx account.

Your contract

Your new FedEx contracting party will be Federal Express (Thailand) Limited, but your contractual relationship with us does not change.

Our contact points  

Hotline: 1782
LINE: @FedExThailand