FedEx Worker carrying packages

Recruitment Enquiries

Recruitment Enquiries

Recruitment Enquiries

Your ideal role may be something yet to be created. Reach out to us to introduce yourself, or ask about any role you’re interested in. 




Your personal information may be processed (including across jurisdictions) by FedEx entities and affiliates (collectively “FedEx”) for recruitment, relationship management and internal reporting purposes, amongst others. Where your consent is required, by submitting the personal information, you expressly provide such consent. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy/Statement.
By submitting the form, you agree to be contacted via email and/or text by FedEx, regardless of your registration(s) with any do not contact/call registry, for reasons including but not limited to, career opportunities and possible interview scheduling. In addition, you hereby represent and warrant that you are the user and/or subscriber of the contact details provided by you.