Waybill Supplement: What you need to know to ship to, from, and within Mexico
Waybill Supplement: What you need to know to ship to, from, and within Mexico
Already know about Waybill Supplement?
Use these quick links to create a shipment to Mexico and submit your Waybill Supplement information through our online form, and WeCARE options.
What is the Waybill Supplement?

In order to verify that each transportation service within Mexican territory has been carried out, and to have greater visibility of the supplied service, SAT decided to attach a SUPPLEMENT to the applicable Tax Receipt (the Income CFDI or Shipment CFDI), containing extensive information on the transportation service. This supplement is called Waybill Supplement (Complemento de Carta Porte (“CCP”), in Spanish) and it’s a part or additional section of the *.xml file. The enforcement of the CFDI - Complemento Carta Porte requirements will begin as of January 1, 2024.

What does FedEx need from me for the Waybill Supplement?
To create a Waybill Supplement for your package, we’ll need details related to the goods you’re shipping, including their origin and destination(s), means of transport, and more. You’ll need to provide the information in advance, and it needs to be as accurate as possible to make sure your shipment is approved for transport in Mexico.
The information you’ll need to submit in addition to what you normally provide includes, but is not limited to:
- Carried goods in each package and their values
- Mode of transportation (road, air, water, rail)
- Shipper and recipient tax IDs
- Product IDs (different than tariff codes)
- Tracking number(s) for each package
Enforcement of this new regulation begins January 1, 2024. Failure to provide this information means your shipment will not meet the requirements to be imported to, exported from, or to travel within Mexico. Your shipment may be subject to delays or service disruptions due to government inspection and/or seizure during its transportation in Mexico.
How to submit Waybill Supplement info to FedEx: Three options
Customers and FedEx, need to continue working together to ensure that on January 1, 2024, there will be no situations resulting from incorrect or incomplete information, which may interrupt the transportation of your shipments in accordance with competent authority decisions. Nevertheless, we still need you to provide us the complete and correct information through the following options:
If you have an existing FedEx system integration:
• API – this service is available to transmit the information you provide to us in a transactional and automatic way to prepare the CFDI – Waybill Supplement.
If you want to send your information in a single file:
• ShipFast - WeCARE plugin – our new version is available for our account customers and to those who ship through any of our FedEx® Ship Centers or authorized access points. It will not be necessary to register a FedEx account in order to use this app.
• WeCARE online – to upload your Excel file.
If you make your shipments from any of our FedEx Ship Centers® or authorized access points:
• Please use our online form to send the required information.
Helpful Resources
For more information regarding the Waybill Supplement information, please click on the following links:
Recorded webinar May 18 and 23
Shipper responsibilities

1. Create your shipping label
2. Gather information for Waybill Supplement
3. Submit information to FedEx
FedEx responsibilities

4. Receives your submission through a secure server
5. Sends your Waybill Supplement information to the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT) and Customs
6. Ships your goods to their final destination in Mexico
Shipping to, from, and within Mexico with Carta Porte
You send us the info we need, and we’ll take it from there.
Shipper responsibilities

1. Create your shipping label

2. Gather information for Carta Porte

3. Submit information to FedEx
FedEx responsibilities

4. Receives your submission through a secure server

5. Sends your Carta Porte information to the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT) and Customs

6. Ships your goods to their final destination in Mexico
Frequently asked questions
Who is responsible for issuing the Waybill Supplement?
Carriers, including FedEx, must create the Waybill Supplement and provide it along with the electronic invoice. You, as the shipper, must use one of our three options to submit the information we need to do that.
When did Waybill Supplement go into effect?
The regulation went into effect January 1, 2022. Beginning January 1, 2024, FedEx and shippers will be subject to fines and penalties if the Waybill Supplement requirements are not sufficiently met.
Does a Waybill Supplement have to be issued for each package and/or envelope?
Yes, a Waybill Supplement entry is required for each individual package tracking number.
How can I submit the additional information needed to FedEx?
You have three options: Submit an online form, download the WeCARE app, or use the FedEx API integration.
What if I provide incomplete or inaccurate information?
Your package can’t be transported in Mexico until the information is complete. Mexican authorities may cross-check information with the catalogs published by the Tax Administration Service (SAT). That’s why we encourage you to review the information for accuracy before you submit it through one of the three submission options.
If I don’t provide a piece of information required for the Waybill Supplement, can FedEx provide it on my behalf?
Unfortunately, no. The information has to come from the shipper and be submitted by the shipper. FedEx is not allowed to enter the information for you. Use one of the three electronic options to enter the information for you.
Does the Waybill Supplement regulation impact my shipment’s delivery time?
If the Waybill Supplement information for your shipment is submitted accurately, your delivery times and schedules should remain the same.
Have questions?
For questions related to:
• Digital tools troubleshooting or installation, please contact our FedEx customer service 55.5228.9904 options 1, 2, and indicate “Soporte Técnico.”
• Waybill Supplement, please contact your FedEx account executive.
*Original Spanish Catalog issued by SAT
*Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is public information issued by the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT), as available at http://omawww.sat.gob.mx/tramitesyservicios/Paginas/documentos/CatalogosCartaPorte20.xls , and may be subject to change at any moment. FedEx will not be liable for, nor shall any adjustment, refund, or credit of any kind be given as a result of, any loss, damage, delay, misdelivery, nondelivery, misinformation or failure to provide information caused by or resulting in whole or in part from failing to deliver or to meet our delivery commitment for any shipments with false, inaccurate or incomplete information required for its transportation in Mexico, or due to our inability or failure to complete a delivery, or a delay to any delivery, due to acts or omissions of regulatory agencies.
**Courtesy Translated English Catalog for consultation
**This is a Courtesy Translation of a public document issued by the Mexican Tax Administration Service (SAT), as available at http://omawww.sat.gob.mx/tramitesyservicios/Paginas/documentos/CatalogosCartaPorte20.xls.. The original Spanish version issued by SAT governs, in the form and format available in such website, and may be subject to change at any moment. We highly recommend you confirm the information you provide to FedEx by using the Spanish governing version of the document, as FedEx will not be liable for, nor shall any adjustment, refund, or credit of any kind be given as a result of, any loss, damage, delay, misdelivery, nondelivery, misinformation or failure to provide information caused by or resulting in whole or in part from your use of this Courtesy Translation, or due to our inability or failure to complete a delivery, or a delay to any delivery, due to acts or omissions of SAT or other regulatory agencies.