FedEx® International
Connect Plus
FedEx® International
Connect Plus
Connect Plus
FedEx® International
Connect Plus
FedEx® International Connect Plus (FICP) is a day definite shipping solution to fulfill your growing e-commerce shipping needs as your business thrives!
Times & Coverage
- Day-definite.
- Typically 2-3 business days worldwide.
* Availability of services and transit time may vary depending on origin and destination post code. Choosing multiple-piece shipments could potentially lead to delays in transit time. Terms and conditions apply – visit here for full details of our services.
Service Days
- Pickup services are accessible on all business days.
- Saturday and evening delivery available.
* Contact FedEx Sales or Customer Service for available markets.
Size & Weight
- Ideal for shipments less than 10kg.
- Weight and size limitations may apply based on destination market.
Service Features
- B2C e-commerce delivery service.
- No residential surcharge.
- One simple rate structure, regardless of package types.
- Customer clearance included, delivered duty paid preferred.
- Flexibility and control on when and where to receive customer packages through FedEx Delivery Manager®.
- End-to-end tracking.
- Integration with FedEx shipping platforms and multiple shipping applications.
*Availability of services, service days and transit times referred to may vary depending on origin and destination. Terms and conditions apply.