Terms of Use

Privacy Policy/Statement

This privacy policy/statement explains how we use any data we collect about you, or that you provide us.

This privacy policy/statement explains how we use any data we collect about you, or that you provide us.

This privacy policy/statement explains how we use any data we collect about you, or that you provide us.

FedEx Express Japan - Privacy Policy/Statement

FedEx Express is committed to properly managing personal information concerning our customers in compliance with the Japanese Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Purpose of Use

We properly and lawfully collect and use personal information concerning our customers for the following purposes:

  • To provide timely, reliable and value-added services to customers including international express transportation, shipment tracking, customs brokerage, account management and billing, supply chain management, information management and technical support, e-commerce, and related services;
  • To establish a customer relationship and to communicate with customers;
  • To develop, implement, market, and manage services for customers, including sending customers marketing materials and contacting customers for questionnaires for service enhancement;
  • To assist in law enforcement purposes, to collect unpaid debts, for credit reporting and rating purposes and to take other necessary measures;
  • To manage and promote the business activities of FedEx; and
  • To meet requirements imposed by laws and regulations.

Please note that telephone conversations with our customers may be recorded in order to ensure that orders, opinions, requests, inquiries, etc. are accurately understood, and to improve the quality of our service.

In addition, we have a separate privacy policy for fedex.com and senseaware.com, including use of cookies.

2. Security Control of Personal Information

We take necessary and proper measures for the prevention of leakage, loss or damage, and for other security control of personal information concerning our customers stipulated in clause 7. We also exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the employees to ensure the security control of personal information concerning our customers.

3. Supervision of Trustees

When we entrust the handling of personal information concerning our customers, we exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the trustee to ensure the security control of the entrusted personal information.

4. Restriction of Provision to a Third Party

We do not, except as provided for by laws and regulations, provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the prior consent of the customer.

In case we provide personal information to a foreign third party, the third party will use personal information to the extent in accordance with the purpose stipulated in clause 1. 

Unless otherwise stipulated in laws and regulations, the foreign third party furnishes appropriate structure to meet the requirements of Japanese Personal Information Protection Act and we take necessary measures to let them keep the structure. 

5. Joint Use of Personal Information

We may use personal information jointly with our affiliated companies as follows.

  • Personal information used jointly:
    Name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, transaction history, etc.
  • Scope of joint users:
    Subsidiaries and affiliates of Federal Express Corporation
  • Purpose of use:
    As stated above in “1. Purpose of Use”
  • Entity responsible for management of joint use:
    Federal Express Corporation

6. How to Access Your Personal Data / Inquiries

Subject to any legal restrictions, we give our customers access to their personal data upon request.
To access your personal data, please complete, and return, the request form to us by mail, fax or email at the following address. Please also contact the following for any inquiries regarding handling of personal data.

Mail to:

Privacy Officer
Customer Service
Department Federal Express
World Business Garden Marive West
2-6-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku Chiba-shi
Chiba 261-7110



Fax to:


Please note that this address is for privacy-related queries/matters only. We may not act on or respond to non-privacy related queries/matters.

For non-privacy related queries/matters, please contact our customer support.

Your request may be rejected due to incomplete documentation. Please ensure that you have fully completed the request form and that you have enclosed necessary documents.

We will endeavor to send out our reply to you between two (2) weeks to one (1) month from the date we receive your privacy-related request. Depending on the complexity of your request, however, our response time may exceed one (1) month.

Please note we may not act on or respond to non-privacy related queries/matters, as determined by us in our discretion. For non-privacy related queries/matters, please contact our Customer Support.

We reserve the right to charge administration fee at our sole discretion depending on the complexity of your request.

For security reasons, we do not accept any telephone request for access to your personal data. 

7. Security Control Measure

We take security control measure to protect personal information as below:

(Formulation of Basic policy)

In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, we comply with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc., and clearly specify the contact point for inquiries.

(Organizational Safety Management Measures)

In addition to appointing a person responsible for the handling of personal data, we have clarified the scope of personal data handled by employees who handle personal data and those employees, and established a system to report to those responsible when they come to know the fact or signs that violate the law and handling regulations.

We regularly conduct self-inspections of the status of the handling of personal data.

(Human Safety Management Measures)

Confidentiality matters, including personal data, are described in the Work Rules.

(Physical Safety Control Measures)

In the area where personal data is handled, we manage the entry and exit of employees and restrict the equipment, etc. to be brought in, and implement measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.

In addition to taking measures to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. that handle personal data, we have taken measures to prevent the identification of personal data when carrying such equipment, electronic media, etc. including moving within the office.

(Technical Safety Management Measures)

Access control is implemented to limit the scope of the person in charge and the personal information database handled.

We have introduced a mechanism to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized access or software from outside.

8. Description of the business operator handling personal information

Corporate name: Federal Express Japan G.K.

Head office location: 2-6-1 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture

World Business Garden Malibu West

Executive Manager