Are there any precautions that should be taken when sending chemicals to the U.S.?
In the United States, importation of chemicals* is regulated by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). When shipping chemicals, the following three items must be filled out on the commercial invoice.
- Consignee/importer's name
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
In addition to the above, the consignee is required to submit the TSCA form for import customs clearance in the U.S., which may require more time than usual for import customs clearance.
*Examples of chemicals
- Chemicals (including hazardous materials)
- Dust and soil samples
- Liquids (does not include potable water, but water for research purposes is included in this definition)
- Inks (including ballpoint pens, sign pens, fountain pens, markers)
- Toner, paint, lacquer, wax
Please note
A TSCA prepared by the shipper is acceptable, but a letter from an attorney on letterhead authorizing the preparation of the TSCA from the importer is required.
External sites
EPA website
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