What goods can I send?
- Are there any precautions that should be taken when sending chemicals to the U.S.?
- Are there any precautions that should be taken when sending electrical products to the U.S.?
- Can FedEx clear Carnet's?
- Can I send canned seafood to the U.S.? If so, what preparations are necessary before shipping?
- Can I send monetary units?
- Can I send personal effects to Australia?
- Can I send trading cards with FedEx?
- Can I ship e-cigarettes?
- Can I ship perishables through FedEx?
- Can I ship pharmaceuticals to the U.S.?
- Can lighters be shipped by FedEx?
- Does FedEx ship alcoholic beverages?
- Does FedEx ship hazardous materials?
- How do I obtain a prior notice confirmation number from the FDA, which is required when sending food products to the U.S.?
- I am considering shipping to Russia as an individual. Is there anything I should pay attention to?
- I am considering shipping to Russia for business purposes. Is there anything I need to know?
- I want to send food to Canada. What preparations do I need to make?
- Is there anything I should be aware of when sending contact lenses addressed to individuals in the U.S.?
- Is there anything I should be aware of when shipping gifts to the U.S.?
- Please tell me about how to ship lithium batteries.
- What am I supposed to prepare when sending food products to the recipient even though they are just passing through the U.S.?
- What countries or regions are not served by FedEx?
- What do I need when sending a passport?
- What documents do I need to prepare for shipping clothes, clothing and other textile products to the U.S.?
- What documents do I need to prepare when shipping biotechnology products to the U.S.?
- What items are considered high-value shipments?
- What items cannot be shipped by FedEx?
- What precautions should I take when shipping antibodies, enzymes, nucleic acids, etc. for consumer use from Japan?
- What preparations are needed to send food products to Australia?
- What preparations are needed to send food products to the U.S.?
- What preparations are needed to send processed tuna and bonito products to the U.S.?
- What shipping documents and precautions are required for shipping animal cells, antibodies, blood and serum from Japan?
- What steps/information are required when shipping goods that fall under the Export trade control order or Special provisions for low value declaration?
- Where can I obtain a Dangerous Goods (DG) declaration form for shipping DG?
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