Shipping documents
- Are there any precautions that should be taken when sending chemicals to the U.S.?
- Can I correct the declared unit of currency on the commercial invoice I submitted?
- Can I create shipping documents online?
- Can I revise the shipping label I printed?
- Can I send shipments online without an account number?
- Can I use the FedEx shipping tool to create an air waybill for a shipment of Dangerous Goods (DG)?
- How can I obtain copies of air waybills and commercial invoices for shipments I have sent?
- How can you assist the recipient in creating a shipping label for return shipments?
- How do I cancel a shipment?
- How do I obtain a prior notice confirmation number from the FDA, which is required when sending food products to the U.S.?
- How do I prepare shipping documents for a shipment I intend to import?
- How do I reprint my air waybill?
- How do I specify who is paying the bill?
- I forgot my user ID and password. Is there any way I can look them up?
- I have chosen the wrong service in FedEx Ship Manager. Can I change it?
- I want to send a package overseas for the first time as an individual. How do I prepare the shipment?
- I would like to send my documents. How should I declare the value of my shipment?
- My online account has been locked, are you able to help?
- What documents do I need if sending food to the USA?
- What documents do I need to prepare for shipping clothes, clothing and other textile products to the U.S.?
- What is FedEx Electric Trade Documents?
- What is a CITES certificate?
- What is a commercial invoice (CI)?
- What is an air waybill (AWB)?
- What is the difference between Declared Value for Carriage and Declared Value for Customs?
- What is the manual air waybill surcharge?
- What shipping documents and precautions are required for shipping animal cells, antibodies, blood and serum from Japan?
- What steps/information are required when shipping goods that fall under the Export trade control order or Special provisions for low value declaration?
- What will happen if the shipper created multiple Air Waybills for one commercial invoice?
- Where can I obtain a Dangerous Goods (DG) declaration form for shipping DG?
- Which browsers are recommended for FedEx Ship Manager at
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