What is the manual air waybill surcharge?
As of April 20, 2020, manual air waybills are subject to a surcharge as part of our efforts to promote digitalization. There is no surcharge for air waybills created online. We encourage you to use our online shipping service
Surcharge for manual air waybills
A surcharge of 500 yen per air waybill will be applied (including the data entry fee).
Please note:
Customers can continue to use their existing manual air waybills without incurring a surcharge. However, when ordering a new manual air waybill, a 500 yen surcharge will be applied for each new air waybill, with a minimum order of 10 pieces and all orders must be in increments of 10 pieces with a minimum billing amount of 5,000 yen. This surcharge will be billed separately from other charges to your existing shipping account.
Related information
About surcharges and handling fees
Online shipping
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