How do I generate a Manufacturer Identification Code (MID code) for U.S. import?
To generate a Manufacturers Identification code (MID code), you need to make sure your manufacturer has provided their full business name and postal address.
Once you have all those details, you need to put together the MID code in the following order:
- First piece: Country (Up to 2 characters): Find the two-letter ISO code for your manufacturer's country e.g. CN for China, JP for Japan and AU for Australia
- Second piece: Manufacturer name (Up to 3 characters): Take the first three letters of the manufacturer’s first and second name (if applicable)
- For example, if the company name is Amalgamated Plastics Corp. which has more than one word in the name, it would give "AMAPLA"; If the company name is Bergstrom which only has one word in the company name, it would give "BER".
- If there are two or more initials together, treat them as a single word. For example, ABC Company, A.B.C. Company, or A B C Company would all yield "ABCCOM."
- Third piece: Address line with street name and/or box number (up to 4 characters): Take the largest number (up to four) from the address line and/or box number
- For example, 11455 Main Street Suite 9999 would yield "1145".
- If the address line contains no numeric, you can skip these digits
- When numbers are separated by commas or hyphens, ignore all punctuation and use the number that remains. For example, either "12,34,56 Akasaka Road" or '12-34 56 Akasaka Road" would yield "1234". Note that the address line on the invoice may be after the line containing the city and zip code (or equivalent). For example, German invoices frequently place the city and its numeric code before the street address. Be sure to identify the address line numeric and use it, not the city numeric. Â
- If the street name is a number, e.g. 7 12th street, do not use the number (12) of the street name.
- Forth piece: City (Up to 3 characters): Take the first three letters of the manufacturer’s city name
- Apply these general rules to construct a manufacturer code:
- Ignore all punctuation, such as commas, periods, ampersands.
- Ignore all single character initials, such as the "S." in Thomas S. Delvaux Company.
- Ignore the English words "a", "an", "and", " of", "the".
- In the case where multiple company names and/or addresses appear on the invoice, use the name and address associated with the corporate headquarters as opposed to the division, office, etc.
Example:Â Â Â
Company address
No. 589 Zhongchun Road, Minhang District,
Shanghai, China
Manufacturer Identification Code (MID): CNSHELIT589SHA
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