- Can FedEx use a real time bank account for an import declaration?
- Does FedEx apply a storage fee?
- Does FedEx handle tax reduction/exemption services for processing and repairing shipments?
- How can I obtain an import license notice for a shipment?
- How do I prepare shipping documents for a shipment I intend to import?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that conflict with CITES?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may conflict with plant quarantine requirements (Plant Protection Law)?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may conflict with the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Regenerative and Cellular Therapy Products, Gene Therapy Products, and Cosmetic Law?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may conflict with the Food Sanitation Law?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may conflict with the High Pressure Gas Safety Act?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may conflict with the Law Concerning Screening of Chemical Substances and Regulations on their Manufacture, etc.?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may conflict with the Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may conflict with the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law?
- How does FedEx handle shipments that may violate animal quarantine requirements (Domestic Animal Infectious Disease Control Law)?
- How long will FedEx be able to keep my shipment on hold for import clearance?
- I would like to apply preferential tariff rate by EPA/FTA.
- I would like to request a valuation declaration for my import.
- I would like to request duty-free re-importation of my shipment.
- On the import declaration, how can I have the insurance amount added separately from the invoice price shown on the commercial invoice?
- The customs value on the entry is incorrect. Can you correct this?
- There is wrong information on the export release report. Can you correct this?
- What are some of the items that cannot be imported into Japan?
- What is the FedEx ancillary customs service fee?
- What is the procedure to process repair and return shipments?
- Why were duties and taxes charged on temporarily imported goods?
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