Frequently asked questions

All the information you need to help you ship.  

Popular questions

Can I contact FedEx via the chat function?

Yes. Please see the following details about our chat service.

What is an air waybill (AWB)?

An Air Waybill is more commonly known as your FedEx shipping label or tracking number; It contains all of the package information as well as its barcoding and the 12 digit number used to track your shipment on its journey.

Can you leave my package for me when I am not at my address?

Generally, FedEx requires a signature on all deliveries. However, we may be able to leave your package without a signature.

I was at home, why did you not leave a delivery attempt notice?

We are extremely sorry if our courier has not left you an attempt notice on this occasion. On all failed delivery attempts, a FedEx courier is required to leave an attempt notice for delivery.

How do I specify who is paying the bill?

FedEx Express offers multiple methods for shipping a package, to indicate who is responsible for payment of the Transportation and duties and taxes (if applicable).