Customer Support FedEx

Customer Support

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Write to FedEx

Contact FedEx Online

1.8000.FedEx / 02.394.8430

Write to FedEx
Write to FedEx
Write to FedEx

Contact FedEx By Phone

FedEx is represented in Ecuador by a nominated Service Contractor. For more information about the FedEx services available from Ecuador please contact:

Entregas Especiales, S.A.

1.8000.FedEx / 02.394.8430

Working hours: Monday – Friday 08:00 – 18:00

Call FedEx
Call FedEx
Call FedEx

File a Claim

You can file a FedEx Express claim by completing the online claim form.

ground truck - pickup
ground truck - pickup
ground truck - pickup

Remote Pick-Up Request

You can request a Remote Pick-Up Request by downloading the following form and instructions in PDF format. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.