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FedEx Delivery Manager Quick Help
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Customize your residential delivery

FedEx® Delivery Manager
Get convenience and flexibility for deliveries to your home. You can view upcoming deliveries to your home address, get status updates, or schedule a delivery by choosing your preferred date, time, or date and time combination. Or you can choose to deliver to another address — in your neighborhood or across the U.S. — or select from free options such as Hold at FedEx Location. Go to to sign up.

Please note: These delivery preferences are available for eligible FedEx Express®, FedEx Ground®, and FedEx Home Delivery® shipments destined for U.S. residential addresses. Some restrictions apply.

Recipient Contact Information
The residential contact information listed should be the most up-to-date information on how to contact you.

Please note: This information is simply used to contact you and does not necessarily have to be the same location where you receive residential packages. If you change your name or residential address, you must also update the delivery address section to ensure your delivery preferences are applied.

Credit Card for Residential
Provide payment information and the billing address you want to use to customize your residential deliveries, when fees apply.

Alternate Names
Please enter any nicknames or alternative spellings of your first name (i.e., Michael, Mike, Mickey) to ensure that your delivery preferences are always applied. You may add up to five alternate names.

Notifications Choose when and how FedEx should notify you regarding packages coming to you at your registered residential address(es).

There are seven options when you can be notified:
  • A shipment addressed to you has been tendered to FedEx for delivery
  • The day before a shipment is scheduled for delivery to you
  • The day of a shipment that is scheduled for delivery to you
  • A delivery issue has occurred with one of your shipments
  • The scheduled delivery date has been updated
  • A package for you is ready for pickup at a FedEx location
  • A delivery has been made to you at your address

You may choose to be notified for each of these events via your choice of email, SMS text or automated phone call. You may choose different notification options for different events.

For SMS texts, you will need to respond to the confirmation text that is sent to your mobile number upon sign up. If the My Profile screen shows that SMS Text has already been selected and your mobile number saved previously, but you are not receiving text messages, you may select to resend confirmation to your mobile device.

Recipient Name
This is the primary name for which you receive packages. If you edit the recipient name associated with your delivery address(es), you will need to re-verify your identity. This is for the security of your packages.

Delivery Addresses
You can provide up to three residential addresses where you receive packages. If you edit or add an address, you will need to re-verify your identity and your name must be associated with the updated address. This is for the security of your packages. Delivery Instructions Provide additional instructions on how you want your package to be delivered to your home. For example, you can instruct your driver to leave a delivery at your back door or apartment office. Or you can provide details that will help the driver find your residential address.

Please note:
  • These instructions will be used for all deliveries to this residential address regardless of the recipient name associated with the package. The latest Delivery Instructions saved, updated or turned off will apply.
  • All residents of the address that have signed up for FedEx Delivery Manager will be notified of any changes made to the Delivery Instructions.
  • This change will take effect on the following operating day and will not affect deliveries scheduled for the day the change was submitted.
Vacation Hold
Select this option to suspend all deliveries to your residential address during a particular date range up to 14 days. FedEx will resume normal delivery on the first business day after the end date that you specify.

Please note:
  • This option will take effect on the following operating day and will not affect deliveries scheduled for the day the change was submitted.
  • Only one vacation hold is effective per residential address during a 14-day period.
  • This option applies to all deliveries to this residential address regardless of the recipient name associated with the package. The latest Vacation Hold saved, updated or turned off will apply.
  • All residents of the address that have signed up for FedEx Delivery Manager will be notified of any changes made to the Vacation Hold.
Your FedEx Delivery Manager registration is valid for 1 year upon sign-up. You will see an alert message on this screen and receive an email notification within 30 days of expiration of your registration. You will be prompted to renew your registration at this time, click the link provided to renew. You will need to re-verify your identity. This is for the security of your packages. Cancel
If you want to cancel FedEx Delivery Manager preferences, click “Cancel enrollment” at any time. Your saved preferences will no longer apply and your notifications will discontinue.

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