
FedEx Ship ManagerĀ® Server

Build supported FedEx functionality into your business systems and software.

Increase your efficiency by integrating FedEx Ship Manager Server into your system. It's your complete source for the documentation and certification you need.Ā 

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Technical System Requirements
To integrate FedEx Ship Manager Server into your system, you will need the following technical system requirements to support FedEx Ship Manager Server software.

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Before You Get Started

Contact your FedEx account executive to get:

  • A valid FedEx account number
  • FedEx Ship Manager Server software

Once you install FedEx Ship Manager Server software, you are ready to begin coding your application.

Certification Requirements for Corporate Developers

Once you have completed coding your implementation, you must:

  1. Contact your customer integration consultant for a software review. Your customer integration consultant will do some initial tests and ensure that you are ready to move to the FedEx production environment with your implementation.
  2. Provide sample labels to your customer integration consultant for approval. Your customer integration consultant will send sample labels from your implementation to FedEx for tests to ensure that your labels scan correctly.

After your implementation has been approved, you are ready to move to production.

Certification Requirements for Commercial Developers

You must be a member of the FedExĀ® Compatible Solutions Program in order to distribute FedEx software. The program provides you access to certified third-party solutions with built-in FedEx functionality.

FedEx makes available software with the most recent features and functionality to increase your business revenue with new FedExĀ® shipping services. Our Software Support Lifecycle model determines which versions of FedEx Ship Manager Server will no longer be distributed, updated, or otherwise maintained or supported by FedEx.

Software Support Lifecycle began in January 2016, giving customers two years to plan upgrades to newer software systems. As new FedEx Ship Manager Server software is released each year, the oldest operating software version(s) will continue to reach the end of their support lifecycle and will no longer be distributed, updated, or otherwise maintained or supported. FedEx may assist a customer in upgrading to a newer version of software.

Other Resources

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FedEx Ship Manager Server Announcements

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FAQs for FedEx Ship Manager Server

Find answers to commonly asked questions.

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