Disclaimer: de informatie op deze pagina is geen juridisch, belasting-, financieel, boekhoudkundig of handelsadvies, maar heeft tot doel om algemene informatie te verstrekken over zakendoen en handel. De inhoud, informatie en services van de FedEx Small Business Hub zijn geen alternatief voor het advies van een professional, zoals (maar niet beperkt tot) een advocaat, juridisch kantoor, accountant of financieel adviseur.
1. Online returns rose to 1 in 3 items last year, say retailers | Business Matters, januari 2023
2. Spotlight on… peak season 2022 | FedEx, 2022
3. Why Top E-commerce Brands Prioritize Exchanges and How You Can Too | Prisync, 2021
4. The pros and cons of 3pl for ecommerce businesses | ShippyPro, 2023
5. The plague of e-commerce returns rates and how to maintain profitability | Shopify, 2021
6. Returning to order: Improving returns management for apparel companies| McKinsey, 2021
7. Reverse logistics: how to process returns quickly, easily and efficiently | Shopify 2022
8. How ecommerce stores can automate their returns process | Clickpost, 2023
9. Ecommerce returns: best practices, policy examples and more | ShippyPro, 2023
10. The environmental cost of free returns: how to ensure returns bolster sustainability and the cyclical economy | Forbes
11. 5 ways to upgrade to eco-friendly ecommerce | PracticalEcommerce
12. Why your ecommerce store should use return ready packaging | Ryder Ecommerce by Whiplash, 2021
13. How consumers are embracing sustainability | Deloitte, 2022
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