Can I send prescription drugs to the United States?

You can’t ship prescription drugs to the U.S. unless it’s been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, there are a few exceptions.

In general, prescription drugs made and exported from the U.S. can only be returned to the U.S. manufacturer. In some cases, a small amount of prescription drugs can be imported into the U.S. – if they adhere to FDA regulations.

If you meet the requirements, you need to include the following information on the commercial invoice:

  • A valid copy of the doctor’s prescription
  • Complete name, address and phone number of the recipient's licensed treating physician
  • Name and address of the drug manufacturer
  • Form of medicine (tablets, capsules, liquid etc.)
  • Quantity
  • Type of packaging
  • Type of medical condition being treated
  • If the medication can be purchased at the destination
  • Dosage strength
  • Copy of passport (if the recipient is a non-resident)

Bear in mind you’re limited to just a 90-day supply of imported prescription drugs.

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