FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents
FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents
Enable electronic uploads today.
Save time and prevent delays at customs by submitting trade documents electronically with FedEx Electronic Trade Documents.
Watch video to learn How to resize the image of letterhead and signature
Get started by simply three steps
Step 1: Prepare letterhead and signature image with suitable size in advance.
Step 2: Accept Terms and Conditions and upload letterhead and signature prior to the first ETD shipment.
Step 3: Upload trade documents when creating shipments at shipping automation.
New version of FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com
FedEx Electronic Trade Documents seamlessly integrates with the New version of FedEx Ship ManagerTM at fedex.com. View how to get started.
FedEx® Ship Manager Software
FedEx Electronic Trade Documents seamlessly integrates with FedEx® Ship Manager software. Click to view how to get started.
You can view the online documentation on Trade Documents Upload API within the FedEx Developer Portal or contact your FedEx account representative for assistance.
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