
Download FedEx Rates

Download FedEx Rates

Download the latest FedEx International Shipping rate sheet and Zone Index (Effective January 4, 2021) for your selected service below.

To get a quote for a specific shipment, please use our Rate Tool.

To get your account-based rates, please use FedEx Rate Sheet.

2019 Samoa Export Rates (For Payers in Samoa)

2019 Samoa ImportOne Rates (For Payers in Samoa)

ImportOne rates are for customers who have registered for the FedEx ImportOne service only. For other customers, an export rate based on the origin country/ territory will apply on inbound shipments to Samoa. To find out if you are eligible for FedEx ImportOne please contact FedEx Customer Service team.

International DirectDistribution (For Export services only)

International First Rates (For Export services only)

2019 Global Third-Party Pricing (For Payers in Samoa)

Global third-party rates are for customers who have registered for the FedEx global third-party service only. For other customers, an export rate based on the origin country/ territory will apply. To find out if you are eligible for FedEx global third-party service please contact FedEx Customer Service team.

Effective January 7, 2019, rezoning of some Europe countries is implemented.