
Find FedEx Samoa Locations

Find FedEx Samoa Locations

Find FedEx Samoa Locations

FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money. Please select your desired FedEx drop-off location.

FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money. Please select your desired FedEx drop-off location.

FedEx is always nearby, providing convenient drop-off locations that will save your time and money. Please select your desired FedEx drop-off location.

FedEx Stations

FedEx is always nearby with more than 44,000 dropoff locations world wide. Using these convenient locations not only saves you time, now it saves you money! You save when you drop off your FedEx account numbered package at FedEx Authorized ShipCenters®, FedEx ShipSite® and our Stations or drop boxes. See the FedEx Service Guide for details.

Look for the purple and orange in metropolitan business districts, airports and busy thoroughfares. FedEx World Service Centers are staffed by experienced customer service professionals.

FedEx Station : WS/APWA

GSP name : Pacifc Holdings Ltd

Address: Nia Mall Pat Ah Him Building Grounf Floor, Unit. 2, Saleufi Street Fugalei , Fuga Samoa

Tel: +685 7633475

       +685 7763501

       +685 26611