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FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents

Post-Shipment Document Upload

Submit customs documents electronically after you create your international shipping label with FedEx Electronic Trade Documents Post-Shipment Document Upload.

man on a tablet in a warehouse
man on a tablet in a warehouse
man on a tablet in a warehouse

Get Started

With FedEx Electronic Trade Documents Post-Shipment Document Upload, you may now upload customs documents by your shipping solution after the label has been created.

  • Ideal for shippers who create their own Commercial Invoices and would like to prepare customs trade documents to submit electronically after the label is created.

  • Allows shippers to upload customs documentation via FedEx® Global Trade Manager which provides flexibility to upload documents when not at the shipping device.

  • Permits the shipping department to focus on getting the shipments packed and ready for pickup.

  • Depending on the shipping platform, activation by our Customer Technology team may be needed.  Please contact your FedEx account executive.

Discover the power of Post-Shipment Document Upload

See how you can create a smoother customs clearance process, be efficient, and enjoy flexibility when you submit your customs documents online.

Streamline international shipments online

Submit customs documents electronically after you create your international shipping label with Post-Shipment Document Upload.

When using PSDU, customs documentation must be uploaded by pickup time.

PSDU is not supported on FedEx Ship Manager™ at fedex.com.

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