FedEx® Billing Online
Efficient billing.
Efficient business.
Receive, review, pay and dispute invoices, all from one secure online location.
Efficient billing.
Efficient business.
Receive, review, pay and dispute invoices, all from one secure online location.
Efficient billing.
Efficient business.
Receive, review, pay and dispute invoices, all from one secure online location.
The impact of COVID-19 is causing local, state, and national governments around the world to issue work and travel restrictions on a daily basis which are impacting our ability to meet our high standards of service. As a result, we have made the decision to suspend our money-back guarantee for all FedEx Express services effective immediately until further notice.

Don’t have time to log in? That’s okay. You can use our Payment Portal to pay your FedEx Express invoice without logging in.
FedEx Billing Online. Your electronic business advantage.
Spend more time on your business and less time managing your account with our efficient and flexible invoicing and billing solution.
FedEx Billing Online benefits include:
- View and manage your invoices and shipment details online
- Download your invoices as PDF files*
- Download invoice details in a XML, XLS or CSV data file*
- Manage several accounts under a single user ID
- Pay invoices online using credit cards (not available in every country)
- Manage payment preferences via Automatic Payments (must be able to pay with a credit card)
- Easily dispute invoices online. You will receive an immediate on-screen response for eligible submissions at air waybill level.
* Please allow 24 – 48 hours for PDF file and invoice details to be available in FedEx Billing Online after you receive an email notification.
Register now to experience the easiest way to manage your FedEx invoices.
New Users
Login using your fedex.com User ID and password and follow instructions on screen to link your account to FedEx Billing Online.
If you don't currently have a fedex.com login, click "Sign Up Now!".

FedEx Billing Online - Frequently Asked Questions
FedEx Billing Online is a free, fast, and easy way to manage your invoicing and payment needs online.
You will need Internet access and a web browser. FedEx Billing Online supports the current versions of all major desktop browsers.
The security of your account information is very important to FedEx. FedEx Billing Online automatically encrypts your confidential information using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol with an encryption key length of 128 bits, the highest encryption level commercially available.
Account Information
Once you register one account for FedEx Billing Online, you may use the Manage Account Settings link (from My Options) to register additional accounts for FedEx Billing Online using the same user ID.
If your company currently has multiple FedEx account numbers that roll up to a single master account, you only need to register the master account to view all shipments charged to the master or any of its associated accounts.
If you wish to manage each billing account using a separate user ID, you may complete the initial registration process for each account and choose a user ID and password as appropriate.
Your invoices will be presented in the same way as before. Either you will receive a separate invoice for each account or, if you currently receive one invoice with charges for all of your accounts, this format will not change.
You can establish a Parent/Child relationship between your accounts. Select the Manage Account Settings link from the My Options tab, enter the FedEx account number and Company Name of the child account, and then click the Add a child account button. The bill to country of the child account must be the same country as the parent account.
If you have accounts that have different billing countries, you can set them up as primary accounts. Select the Manage Account Settings link from the My Options tab, click Add a primary account button and enter the FedEx account information. FedEx Billing Online will display a drop down list allowing you to switch between each primary account available.
Yes. To assign custom names to your accounts you select Manage Account Settings from the My Options menu. From the Edit Account Information section, select the respective account, enter the custom name into the New store ID field and then click the Update Store ID button.
Invoice Details
After you login to FedEx Billing Online, you will see an Account Summary including a list of your open invoices* with corresponding balances, your total balance due, and total past due amount, if applicable.
* Please allow 24 – 48 hours for PDF file and invoice details to be available in FedEx Billing Online after you receive an email notification.
Invoices are grouped according to their current invoice status. The following groupings are available from which you can select the invoices you would like to view:
- All-Open: This is the default view and shows all invoices available on FedEx Billing Online that are currently open, including those that are Past Due or In Dispute.
- Past Due: This view will only show those invoices that have a Past Due status.
- Paid/Closed: This view will show invoices for which there is currently no balance due.
- In Dispute: This view shows those invoices for which you have raised a dispute of the charges.
To view invoice level detail, click an Invoice Number on the Account Summary screen. On the Invoice Detail View screen, click on the Air Waybill Number to view the shipment details.
If an invoice is past due, it will be noted in the "Invoice Status" column.
To view paid/closed invoices that are still available on FedEx Billing Online, click on the "Paid/Closed" grouping tab. Invoice information is available for 180 days after the invoice is paid in full. Only invoices that became due after you registered with FedEx Billing Online will be shown.
You can retrieve a PDF version of your invoice to be saved or printed by clicking the invoice number from the account summary and clicking the “Download Invoice” button. The PDF file should be available in your Download Center within a few minutes.
NOTE: To view the invoice in PDF format, you need to install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.
Paying Invoices
FedEx Billing Online currently offers the ability to choose one or more invoices and/or shipments for full payment online with a credit card* or by creating a dynamic payment instruction for offline payments. An offline payment instruction will allow you to print a consolidated remittance advice for the amount you authorize. You may print this remittance advice for offline payment according to the payment instructions displayed on the remittance advice.
*Credit card payment option is not available in every country.
You can make online payments using a credit card in countries where this feature is available. You will be required to create a Payment Profile.
Yes. You will be required to select a Payment Profile in order to make or schedule the payment. You can setup multiple Payment Profiles to enable you to quickly choose different credit cards with which to pay your invoices.
In countries where the credit card payment is available you can enroll your account in AutoPay. Once enrolled, new invoices issued to your account will automatically be charged to the Credit Card payment profile of your choice. To setup AutoPay, click the "Enrol in autopay" button from the Manage Payment Preferences screen.
Invoices that are issued to your account will normally be paid automatically using the credit card linked to your FedEx account and therefore are not available to be paid via FedEx Billing Online. However, if a payment cannot be processed then the invoice will be outstanding and available for payment in FedEx Billing Online.
Choose one or more open or past due invoices from the Account Summary and click the Pay button. These items will then appear in Your Payment Cart. Select Mail check/Crete remittance advice in the Payment Options section and click Submit Payment. You will have a final opportunity to review the details of your cart or make changes on the Payment Confirmation page. After you confirm the details, FedEx Billing Online will generate a dynamic remittance advice for the amount authorized. If your billing country utilizes bank slips, individual bank slips will be available for printing per invoice authorized.
FedEx Billing Online will allow you to reprint payment instructions for seven calendar days from the moment they were initially created. You may view or reprint these active payment instructions from the Payments Status section in the Account Summary.
After your payment is applied, FedEx Billing Online will automatically deduct your payment from the amount due. Online payments will be applied within 48 hours. If you paid your invoice balance in full, FedEx Billing Online will change the status of the invoice to Closed. You may view the history of any payments applied to a particular invoice by clicking the invoice number and following the View Invoice History link in the Invoice Detail screen.
If you have concerns about an invoice or a specific shipment and need to dispute it prior to payment, you can submit a dispute online.
To dispute an entire invoice, click on the Invoice Number from the Account Summary screen. On the Invoice Detail screen that follows, click the Dispute Invoice button. You will be asked to select a reason for the dispute and to provide detailed information. Your request will be routed to a FedEx representative for review.
Individual shipments can be disputed by clicking the appropriate Air Waybill Number and the Dispute button. You will be asked to select a reason for the dispute and to provide detailed information. You will receive an immediate on-screen response indicating whether your request has been approved, denied or routed to a FedEx representative for further review.
If you are disputing an entire invoice, a FedEx representative will contact you to request additional information or to inform you of the dispute resolution. FedEx Billing Online will indicate that a dispute has been raised but does not show the status of disputes.
If you are disputing an individual shipment, you will receive an immediate on-screen response indicating whether your request has been approved, denied or routed to an agent for further review. FedEx Billing Online will automatically update your account balance if the dispute is approved. If further review is needed, a FedEx representative will contact you to request additional information or to inform you of the dispute resolution. In this case, FedEx Billing Online will indicate that a dispute has been raised but does not show the status of disputes.
Search and Downloads
Use the New Search or Download feature. If you know the specific Invoice Number, Air Waybill Number or Payment Reference Number enter the information and click the Quick Search button. If your document is found, you will be directed to the respective page for more information.
Use the New Search or Download feature to find invoices that contain a particular service, are in a certain status, or span a specified date range. You do not need to have a particular invoice number or air waybill number. Select the criteria from the various drop-down boxes and click the Search button to view the results of your search on-screen.
If you want to download the search results in Excel, CSV or XML format then click the Download data button. You will need to specify the name of the file you want FedEx Billing Online to create and the data format (Excel, CSV or XML). Your results will be stored in the Download Center for you to download for up to 14 days.
To ensure download results are displayed quickly, FedEx Billing Online prevents the download of very large files. In the event that your download request exceeds the maximum 30MB file size and shows a Status of “Exceeds Limit”, use the drop-down boxes and/or the date range option to reduce the amount of records downloaded.
Preferences and Administration
Select My Options at the top of the page and choose Manage Users, Manage Account Settings, or FedEx.com Profile. Here you can invite new users, manage account settings, change the administrator, and update your FedEx Billing Online profile.
Select My Options at the top of the page and choose FedEx.com Profile. On the following page you can edit your username and password.
If you forgot your password for FedEx Billing Online, click on the Forgot Your Password link on the main FedEx Billing Online login screen. You will be prompted to provide information verifying your identity and you will then receive a password reminder via email.
Select My Options at the top of the page and choose Manage Users. Next you’ll see a list of every user able to access online invoices for this billing account. Here you can invite new users by entering their First Name, Last Name, and Email Address or remove current users. Only the FedEx Billing Online Administrator can view, add or remove users for an account.
Select My Options at the top of the page and choose Manage Users. Next you’ll see a list of every user with access to online invoices for this billing account. Only the FedEx Billing Online Administrator can view the list of users for an account.
We are glad to offer you new ways to access your FedEx invoices. Please read important information below regarding this new feature:·
- The option to receive invoices via email is only available to customers that are registered in FedEx® Billing Online.
- Once you sign up, we will send a copy of your PDF invoices to the primary billing email address associated with your account, in addition to the electronic copy that is uploaded to your FedEx® Billing Online account.
- Your billing Primary Email Address is your preferred billing email address registered in your FedEx account that will be used to receive the electronic invoices in PDF format. It might be different from the email address that you used to register with FedEx® Billing Online, please contact FedEx customer service to verify and update your email information or by completing the online form.
- The PDF invoice you will receive via email will only show the last 4 digits of your account number to protect your account information. You will receive each PDF invoice individually.
- It could take between 24 – 48 hours for PDF file and invoice details to be available in FedEx Billing Online after you receive the email notification.
Login to FedEx Billing Online, click My Options at the top of the page and then Manage Account Settings. Scroll down to Change Billing Medium, select Register for Electronic and Email invoicing from the menu and then click Change Billing Medium.
IMPORTANT: Your invoices will be emailed to the primary billing email address associated with your account. Click here to download user guide.
Select My Options at the top of the page and choose Manage Users. In the Change Administrator section, choose the Name of an existing user from the drop-down menu and click the Change Administrator button. Only the current FedEx Billing Online Administrator can assign a new administrator.
If you would like to receive paper invoices again, you will have to unregister your account from FedEx Billing Online. Login to FedEx Billing Online, click My Options at the top of the page and then Manage Account Settings. Scroll down to Change Billing Medium, select Unregister from FedEx Billing Online from the menu and then click Change Billing Medium.
For additional support, please click the Contact Us option from the Support menu on any screen. Click on the Write To FedEx link to fill out an online form where you can provide details regarding the nature of your support question.