FedEx employee and customer

Payment options

Payment options

Payment options

What is our payment application process and what we require in order to offer you a better service?

  1. Make your payments to FedEx (see payment options bellow)
  2. Send an email within the first 24 hours of your transaction to including the following information:
    • Proof of payment
    • Number of paid invoices
    • Your FedEx account number
    • Name of the account holder
  3. FedEx systems can take up to 72 hours until your payment is reflected in your statement. To request it write us to:

Below you can see the payment options available for you FedEx account:

  • Payment by credit card by calling the Customer Service Center at 000 405 4580 : Service available with Visa and MasterCard.
  • Invoices can be paid in dollars, pesos or with a check at these locations:
    • Av. Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 5528 - Aeropuerto (from Mo to Fri from 10 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.)
    • Juan Carlos Gomez 1444 (from Mo to Fri from 9:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
    • Av. Luis Alberto de Herrera 1361 (Mon to Fri from 9:15 a.m to 1:00 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
  • Payment through ABITAB with the check stub attached to the invoice.
  • Payment by bank transfer in Uruguay
  • Are you paying in Uruguay with Pesos?
    • Trade Name: Federal Express Corporation
    • RUC: 211635590016
    • Bank Name: Banco Citibank
    • Account Number: 0016583014
  • Are you paying in Uruguay with USD?
    • Trade Name: Federal Express Corporation
    • RUC: 211635590016
    • Bank Name: Banco Citibank
    • Account Number: 0016583618
  • Payment by bank transfer in dollars from abroad: In the case you make payments to FedEx via wire transfer from a bank abroad to our local account, you will need the following information:


Intermediary bank account:

  • Bank Name: Citibank NA New York
  • SWIFT Code: CITIUS33
  • Account: 10991629


For the final beneficiary:

  • Name of the Beneficiary Bank: Banco Citibank
  • SWIFT Code of the Beneficiary Bank: CITIUYMM
  • Account Number: 0016583618
  • Trade Name: Federal Express Corporation
  • RUC: 211635590016

Billing cycles

  • Freight invoices have a 30-day payment term with a biweekly billing cycle.
  • Tax invoices are due in 15 days with a daily billing cycle
  • IMPORTANT:For the correct and timely application of the payment, please send the required information. Sending incomplete information may delay the application of your payment and generate delays in the update of your account statement.

For any adjustment requirements to your international billing, please write to