Finance insights for small business

9 ways to stay on budget with smart shipping
Get simple tips for getting the most value and savings with FedEx. These include signing up for discounts and rewards, and more.
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Exploring angel investing
Owner, Gina Cucina, details why she decided to seek angel investing for her small, growing business.
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Crowd-funding for small business
Small business owners Kelly McCollum and Marcie Colledge from Yellow Scope share the secrets of successful crowdfunding.
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Pricing for success
Dream Beard participates in Q&A with small business expert, Dawn Fotopulos, about pricing strategy.
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How to build business credit
Learn the basics of building small business credit. Get tips for applying and preparing your books.
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How to create a marketing budget plan
Wondering how to do a marketing budget? FedEx Office has the tools and insights to help you create the perfect marketing budget for a small business.
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How to set a price point for profit
Small business expert, Dawn Fotopulos, answers common questions around pricing.
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How to determine how much to spend on advertising
How much does advertising cost each year? Set your budget and decide the best use of marketing dollars for your small business.
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Financial planning basics
Expert, Dawn Fotopulos, walks you through the basics of understanding your small business financials.
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