Insights for brick and mortar small businesses

Small business guide to canvassing

Small business guide to canvassing

If you have a deal that's worth sharing with the whole neighborhood, here's how to get the word out effectively.

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Contactless business practices to create a safe customer experience

Contactless business practices to create a safe customer experience

Here's a retail health and safety checklist to make your retail business shopping safe/friendly in the age of COVID-19.

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Make shop small work year-round

Make shop small work year-round

Get four tips from HeidiJHale Designs on how they promote and grow their business utilizing the shop small movement.

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How to create successful customer loyalty programs

How to create successful customer loyalty programs

Loyalty programs for small businesses engage and reward customers and build long-term relationships

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Office décor ideas to bring life to your workplace

Office décor ideas to bring life to your workplace

These office decor ideas will transform your workspace into a place where you can your employees will enjoy spending time.

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Social distancing signage ideas

Social distancing signage ideas

As businesses enforce social distancing in their locations, signage and decals can guide them in the right direction to encourage proper distancing.

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Creative uses for frames for small business

Creative uses for frames for small business

Frame your first dollar made, menus, diploma or certifications, you name it. You can class up your signs with a frame or create a custom chalkboard.

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How to create reminder postcards

How to create reminder postcards

Reminder postcards for patients and appointments are an effective way to market your business and remain top of mind with customers.

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Restaurant marketing ideas for restaurateurs

Restaurant marketing ideas for restaurateurs

An effective restaurant marketing plan can mean the difference between failure and success. These tips can help you succeed.

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Sales promotion examples to boost retail sales

Sales promotion examples to boost retail sales

Check out these promotional examples and sale ideas to increase traffic, gain customer loyalty and bolster retail revenue for your small business.

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Store layout design tips for optimal sales (and safety)

Store layout design tips for optimal sales (and safety)

Give your customers a safer, more comfortable shopping experience with an updated floor plan layout that maximizes your store’s retail space.

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