CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM)
CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM)
What is CARM?
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), through their Canada Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) initiative, will transform the management of commercial goods importation into Canada, including duty and tax reporting and collection. This is an industry-wide requirement.
U.S. companies selling commercial goods to customers in Canada may consider confirming at the time of sale that the Canadian company has taken the required steps to prepare for CARM.
For more information, visit our Canadian CARM page*.
*Please note that opening this link will take you to the Canadian version of fedex.com in a new tab.
What do I need to do?
Depending on whether you are a FedEx Express or FedEx Trade Networks customer (FedEx Trade Networks may provide brokerage services for commercial goods imported into Canada using FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight), the steps you need to take may differ.Â
To determine if CARM applies to your situation and if adjustments are required, download our simplified guide for navigating Canada CARM requirements. Answer the included questions and take necessary steps to prepare.
Canada CARM Decision Tree
Release dates & features
CARM will be implemented in two stages:
Canada’s New Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Initiative and How it Affects You as a Non-Resident Importer (NRI)
Canada’s New Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Initiative and How it Affects You as a Non-Resident Importer (NRI)
Frequently asked questions
If you are a FedEx Express or FedEx Trade Networks customer, you can review the FAQs to find answers to many CARM-related questions. FedEx Trade Networks may also act as the broker for some FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight customers. For more FAQs, visit the CBSA CARM website.Â
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) initiative is transforming how the CBSA will manage the import of commercial goods into Canada, including the requirement for importers to create a CARM Client Portal (CCP) business account.
All businesses importing commercial goods into Canada are affected by CARM. Whether you’re large or small, have one shipment or many, you’ll be impacted.Â
October 21, 2024. It’s important to take the required steps now to help ensure your FedEx shipments don't get delayed at the border when CARM goes into effect.
Beginning with CARM Release 2, creating a CARM Client Portal (CCP) business account will be required to import goods into Canada and enable businesses to transact directly with the CBSA. Refer to our step-by-step guide to prepare for CARM.Â
You should be able to view the request after setting up your CARM Client Portal business account. Here’s how: Log in, navigate to ‘Setup my portal’ and then select ‘Manage my business relationships’.Â
If you need support or have trouble locating our request, reach out to us.Â
FedEx Express customers: clearancehelpline@fedex.com or 1.800.561.0268.
FedEx Trade Networks customers:Â FTNCARM@fedex.com
- Register and log in to your business’ CCP account.
- Go to the ‘Manage Business Relationships’ page and view the ‘Received requests’ tab to find the request from FedEx. If you cannot find the request from Federal Express Canada Corporation, please email the FedEx Clearance Helpline.
- Select ‘All programs’ as the access level for FedEx and choose a transaction visibility level that suits your preferences (minimum option: ‘Submitted by Federal Express Canada Corporation’).
- Select ‘Approve’ to authorize. Once approved, FedEx will receive an automatic notification.
Please note that only the Business Account Manager (BAM) assigned by your company can approve all levels of delegation of authority requests.
Please select 'All programs' for the access level and select 'Submitted by Federal Express Canada Corporation' and/or ‘Submitted by FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage (Canada), Inc.’ for our transaction visibility. If you use both FedEx Express and FedEx Trade Networks, you’ll need to select this separately for each. In the future, if FedEx requires additional access and/or visibility, we will contact you directly to request the necessary changes.
Please email us with your BAM’s contact name and email address, so we can update our files.
FedEx Express customers:Â carmquestions@mail.fedex.com
FedEx Trade Networks customers:Â FTNCARM@fedex.com
The delegation of authority is an additional requirement and does not replace the current requirement for a GAA/POA. It enables your customs broker to access your CARM Client Portal business account and to manage your commercial importation activities, including, but is not limited to, the accounting of any applicable duties and taxes with the Canada Border Services Agency.Â
The GAA/POA, on the other hand, specifically authorizes your customs broker to act on your behalf for your customs/clearance activities.
Posting financial security in the form of a financial security agreement (e.g., customs bond) or a cash deposit is required to enrol and benefit from the Release Prior to Payment (RPP) program. Currently, a customs broker may use their own RPP security to release your goods prior to payment of duties and taxes. However, starting Release 2, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will require commercial importers to obtain their own RPP security to take advantage of this benefit.
This means that starting Release 2, if you don’t have your own RPP:
Your imported goods may experience clearance delays or roadblocks under the new requirements.
Your customs brokers won’t be able to process the release of your imported goods electronically (EDI) and a manual/paper release request would need to be performed directly at the local CBSA office (i.e., manual/paper release request).
You would also be required to pay the CBSA directly for any applicable duties and/or taxes on your imported goods to obtain the release.
The CBSA has developed a transition plan. See plan and timelines.
- The current process is detailed in the CBSA Memorandum D17-1-8 and is a completely manual/paper-based application requiring wet-signatures.Â
- This is currently done by working directly with a surety broker. For more information on surety brokers, please visit  Surety Association of Canada (SAC) website.
Yes. Federal Express Canada Corporation (FedEx Express) will continue to pay the CBSA for the duties and taxes assessed on the shipments we release on your behalf unless you advise us otherwise.
Yes. The option to pay the CBSA directly for your import duties and taxes will only be available to Federal Express Canada Corporation (FedEx Express) customers starting CARM Release 2, and needs to be set up by FedEx Express to avoid duplicate payments. Unless otherwise advised, FedEx Express will continue to pay the CBSA for the duties and taxes assessed on the shipments we release on your behalf. If you have already paid the CBSA directly, you will need to request a refund by contacting the CARM Client Support Helpdesk (CCSH). In such cases, please ensure you provide the necessary documentation to support your refund request.
The CCSH can be reached online using the client support contact form. If you experience any difficulties with the form, please contact the CBSA directly at 1.800.461.9999 and select option 2.