FedEx Ground® Economy Returns
List rates and zone chartÂ
The convenient way for consumers to return packages to your business with a USPS option.
A convenient returns solution is critical to a business. FedEx Ground Economy Returns is a solution that offers consumers all FedEx returns tender options plus the 160 million-plus access points of the United States Postal Service® and gives you inbound visibility throughout the returns process. By utilizing the USPS® access points for returns, FedEx Ground Economy Returns makes returns as easy as possible so you can increase repeat customers.
- Individual packages may not exceed 70 lbs. or 130" in girth.
- Service provided on a contract-only basis and requires a minimum average daily volume of 20 returns packages.
FedEx Ground Economy Returns can also be dropped off at our 55,000+ locations within the FedEx retail network. This includes:
- FedEx Office
- FedEx Ship Center®
- FedEx Authorized ShipCenter®
- FedEx ShipSite® at OfficeMax®
- Other participating retail locations
Download list rates and zone chart
Rates are available in PDF and Excel formats. To read PDF files, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or plug-in.
View rates effective Jan. 6, 2025
FedEx Ground Economy Returns (PDF)Â
FedEx Ground Economy Returns (XLS)
Additional information
Please contact your FedEx account executive if you have questions, or call FedEx Customer Service at 1.800.463.3339.
United States Postal Service and USPS are trademarks of the United States Postal Service.
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