freight driver talking to warehouse manager

How to schedule a freight pickup

See our step-by-step instructions to get your freight on the road.


Packages over 150 lbs. are considered freight. We know dropping them off just isn’t very convenient. That’s why we offer experts and services to help get your pallets, drums and large, heavy packages off your dock and on their way.

What to know before you schedule a pickup

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You can request a one-time pickup at the same time that you create your shipping label or
Bill of Lading.

  • For LTL freight, go to the “Schedule Pickup” section and add your pickup information.
  • For FedEx Express® Freight, go to the “Pickup/Drop-off (optional)” section, click “Edit” and
    select “Schedule a pickup.”

You can request a one-time pickup at the same time that you create your shipping label or Bill of Lading.

  • For LTL freight, go to the “Schedule Pickup” section and add your pickup information.
  • For FedEx Express® Freight, go to the “Pickup/Drop-off (optional)” section, click “Edit” and select “Schedule a pickup.”

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For FedEx Express Freight, you can arrange a freight pickup online only for the same day. You can generate future shipments and reserve space days in advance through the booking process. However, the pickup itself can only be requested same-day. If you select a day before or after the shipping day, you will not be able to request it online.

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For LTL freight, you can schedule up to 10 business days in advance.

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A general cutoff time to call for scheduling is 3:00 p.m.

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Pickups are planned for a 90-minute window. The latest pickup time is at least 90 minutes before your dock closes. However, times are affected by which freight service you choose and your destination. Call 1.866.393.4585 to confirm cutoff times.

Schedule an LTL freight pickup online

Step 1

You don’t need a FedEx account to arrange an LTL pickup. Required fields on screen are noted with an asterisk(*).

Screenshot of step 1 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 1 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 1 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 2

Go to the “Pickup” screen and add the details of the pickup address.

Screenshot of step 1 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 1 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 1 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 3

Pay special attention to the “Ready time” and “Close time” fields in the “Pickup Information” section. They may have default times, and you may need to adjust them.

Screenshot of step 3 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 3 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 3 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 4

If you need a liftgate, check the “Liftgate at pickup” box in the “Pickup Information”  section under “Special services.” You can also type in that you need a liftgate in the “Special instructions” box. An additional fee may apply for liftgate service. See FXF Rules Tariff (item 890) for more information.

Screenshot of step 4 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 4 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 4 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 5

In the “Pickup Information” section, you can also specify if you need special services because your item(s):

  • Are over length (8' to <12')
  • Are extreme length (12' or greater)
  • Contain food
  • Need freezable protection
  • Should not be stacked
  • Need a liftgate at pickup (note this may require an additional fee)
  • Contain poison

Screenshot of step 5 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 5 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 5 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 6

You can also add contact numbers in the “Special instructions” box. For international shipments, make sure you enter the contact information for your customs broker. 

Screenshot of step 6 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 6 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 6 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 7

If you want notifications, go to the “Pickup Notifications (optional)” section. Click “+Edit” and you can add email addresses in the “Sender” and “Recipient” boxes. You can also pick which shipping stages you would like notifications from in the “Notify when” section. Choose from:

  • Pickup scheduled
  • Driver assigned
  • Driver en route
  • Driver arrived
  • Driver departed

Screenshot of step 7 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 7 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 7 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 8

Complete the “Shipment Details” section. Use the “Add row” and “Delete row” buttons to adjust the number of shipments included in your pickup request. Shipment details for each row must be complete before adding an additional row. To delete a row, check the box to the left of it. Fields include:

  • To country — indicate the destination country
  • To ZIP/postal code — indicate the destination ZIP or postal code
  • Service type — select either FedEx Freight® Priority or FedEx Freight® Economy
  • Handling units — let us know the number of primary handling units in the total shipment, i.e., the number of pallets
  • Weight — enter the total weight of the shipment
  • Packaging type — from the drop–down menu select the packaging type that best describes your shipment

Screenshot of step 8 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 8 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 8 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Step 9

Click the “Schedule pickup” button. You’ll see a confirmation screen with your pickup details and a reference number that can be used when communicating with your service center.

From the bottom of the confirmation screen you can:

  • Schedule another pickup
  • Get a freight quote — click this button to transfer all of your pickup details to the FedEx Freight rate quote application
  • Create a Bill of Lading — transfer all of your pickup details to the Bill of Lading generator

Screenshot of step 9 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 9 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online
Screenshot of step 9 for how to schedule a LTL pickup online

Arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Step 1

Sign in to your account. If you don’t have one, you can open an account.

Screenshot of step 1 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 1 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 1 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Step 2

Go to the “Pickup” screen and add the details of the pickup address. Required fields are noted with an asterisk(*).

Screenshot of step 2 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 2 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 2 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Step 3

In the “Package Information” section, check the “Schedule a FedEx Express Freight Pickup” box and add your shipment details. Include:

  • Total number of skids
  • Total weight
  • Pickup date
  • Ready time
  • Latest time available
  • Person who will have the skid(s)
  • Service type
  • Dimensions
  • Truck type

Screenshot of step 3 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 3 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 3 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Step 4

Pay special attention to the “Ready time” and “Latest time available” fields in the “Pickup Information” section. They may have default times, and you may need to adjust them.

Screenshot of step 4 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 4 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 4 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Step 5

If you need a liftgate, indicate that on the “Pick one of the following truck types” drop-down menu. You can also type that you need a liftgate in the “Location of skids or special instructions” box. There is no charge for a liftgate for FedEx Express Freight. If you have a dock, choose “Tractor trailer access.”

Screenshot of step 5 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 5 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 5 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Step 6

To get optional pickup notifications, click “Edit” in the “Pickup Notifications” section. Choose the type of email you want and enter the email addresses of the sender and recipients. You can also add other recipients and personal messages.  

Screenshot of step 6 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 6 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 6 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Step 7

Click the “Schedule pickup” button. You’ll see a confirmation screen with your pickup details and a reference number that can be used when communicating with your service center.

Screenshot of step 7 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 7 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online
Screenshot of step 7 for how to arrange a FedEx Express Freight pickup online

Request a pickup for any freight shipment by phone.

Contact customer service at 1.866.393.4585 to arrange a pickup. Or contact your local freight service center. Find one near you.

Frequently asked questions