FedEx driver closing a semi struck trailer door on a business dock

Freight class calculator

Learn about freight classifications and how to calculate them.

Learn about freight classifications and how to calculate them.

Learn about freight classifications and how to calculate them.

What is a freight class/NMFC code?

Your less-than-truckload (LTL) freight shipping class is a number established by the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC). It’s also known as your NMFC classification or NMFC code.

A man and a FedEx Freight employee with shipment boxes
A man and a FedEx Freight employee with shipment boxes
A man and a FedEx Freight employee with shipment boxes
A man and a FedEx Freight employee with shipment boxes
A man and a FedEx Freight employee with shipment boxes
A man and a FedEx Freight employee with shipment boxes

Your freight class helps determine your shipping cost.* It’s calculated based on how difficult your commodity is to ship and how much liability is involved.

FedEx Freight truck driving on a road
FedEx Freight truck driving on a road
FedEx Freight truck driving on a road
FedEx Freight truck driving on a road
FedEx Freight truck driving on a road
FedEx Freight truck driving on a road

Classes are a freight shipping industry standard. They’re set by the NMFC tariff, which is a publication for motor carriers containing rules, descriptions and ratings of all commodities.

How to determine freight class

Freight class is calculated according to your commodity's transportation characteristics, including:

A FedEx Freight employee with freight dolly and shipment a man in background
A FedEx Freight employee with freight dolly and shipment a man in background
A FedEx Freight employee with freight dolly and shipment a man in background

number 1 icon
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number 1 icon

Density — How much it weighs in relation to its size

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number 2 icon

Liability — Its value and whether extra security precautions are needed to safeguard it against theft

number 3 icon
number 3 icon
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number 3 icon

Handling — If it requires special loading equipment or precautions

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number 4 icon

Stow-ability — How it fits in the trailer with other freight

There are 18 classes, numbered 50 to 500. A lower class number generally means a lower shipping
cost — because your item is easier to ship.

There are 18 classes, numbered 50 to 500. A lower class number generally means a lower shipping cost — because your item is easier to ship.

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Note: When you ship items with different classes on the same pallet, the shipment defaults to the highest class of those items. For example, if you're shipping car accessories (class 60) with car covers (class 100) on the same pallet, the entire pallet is class 100. 

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Note: When you ship items with different classes on the same pallet, the shipment defaults to the highest class of those items. For example, if you're shipping car accessories (class 60) with car covers (class 100) on the same pallet, the entire pallet is class 100. 

Why is freight class important?

You’ll need your freight class code in order to get a rate quote or create an online
freight shipping label or Bill of Lading.

Screen capture of the FedEx Freight 100-S Rules Tariff PDF
Screen capture of the FedEx Freight 100-S Rules Tariff PDF
Screen capture of the FedEx Freight 100-S Rules Tariff PDF

If you don’t include your freight class, or don’t use the right class, it’s usually caught when your shipment is inspected. Then your class and shipping rates are adjusted accordingly. Incorrect classification may add fees to your shipment costs. See items 980 and 981 in the FXF 100 Series Rules Tariff for more information.

How to use our freight class and density calculator


Head to our FedEx LTL Freight Classification Tool. It’s an easy freight class/NMFC code lookup tool with a freight density calculator built in that can help you estimate your freight class.

Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step One
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step One
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step One
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step One
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step One
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step One


Choose which item(s) you’re shipping from over 20 categories (including automotive parts, furniture, lumber, medical supplies, food, etc.).

Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Two
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Two
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Two
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Two
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Two
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Two


Enter the shipment weight in pounds, and the length, width and height in inches.


  • A standard pallet is 48 inches long and 40 inches wide.
  • When you weigh your shipment, include the pallet or other packaging.

Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Three
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Three
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Three
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Three
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Three
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Three


Your estimated freight class number* will be displayed on the screen. As mentioned above, there are 18 classes, numbered 50 to 500. Your actual class will be based on your commodity’s demonstrated transportation characteristics.

See the freight class list below.

Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Four
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Four
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Four
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Four
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Four
Screen capture of FedEx LTL Freight Classification tool PDF - Step Four

Once you've determined your freight class, take the next step.

Freight class chart

Freight class code Type of freight Weight per ft3
50 Durable freight that fits on a standard 4' × 4' pallet 50+ lbs.
55 Bricks, cement, hardwood flooring, construction materials 35–50 lbs.
60 Car accessories, car parts 30–35 lbs.
65 Car accessories and parts, boxed books, bottled drinks 22.5–30 lbs.
70 Car accessories and parts, auto engines, food items 15–22.5 lbs.
77.5 Tires, bathroom fixtures 13.5–15 lbs.
85 Crated machinery, cast iron stoves 12–13.5 lbs.
92.5 Computers, monitors, refrigerators 10.5–12 lbs.
100 Car covers, canvas, boat covers, wine cases, caskets 9–10.5 lbs.
110 Cabinets, framed art, table saws 8–9 lbs.
125 Small home appliances 7–8 lbs.
150 Auto sheet metal, bookcases 6–7 lbs.
175 Clothing, couches, stuffed furniture 5–6 lbs.
200 Sheet metal parts, aluminum tables, packaged mattresses, aircraft parts 4–5 lbs.
250 Mattresses and box springs, plasma TVs, bamboo furniture 3–4 lbs.
300 Model boats, assembled chairs, tables, wood cabinets 2–3 lbs.
400 Deer antlers 1–2 lbs.
500 Gold dust, ping pong balls <1 lb.
class code
Type of
per ft3
50 Durable freight that fits on a standard 4' × 4' pallet 50+ lbs.
55 Bricks, cement, hardwood flooring, construction materials 35–50 lbs.
60 Car accessories, car parts 30–35 lbs.
65 Car accessories and parts, boxed books, bottled drinks 22.5–30 lbs.
70 Car accessories and parts, auto engines, food items 15–22.5 lbs.
77.5 Tires, bathroom fixtures 13.5–15 lbs.
85 Crated machinery, cast iron stoves 12–13.5 lbs.
92.5 Computers, monitors, refrigerators 10.5–12 lbs.
100 Car covers, canvas, boat covers, wine cases, caskets 9–10.5 lbs.
110 Cabinets, framed art, table saws 8–9 lbs.
125 Small home appliances 7–8 lbs.
150 Auto sheet metal, bookcases 6–7 lbs.
175 Clothing, couches, stuffed furniture 5–6 lbs.
200 Sheet metal parts, aluminum tables, packaged mattresses, aircraft parts 4–5 lbs.
250 Mattresses and box springs, plasma TVs, bamboo furniture 3–4 lbs.
300 Model boats, assembled chairs, tables, wood cabinets 2–3 lbs.
400 Deer antlers 1–2 lbs.
500 Gold dust, ping pong balls <1 lb.
Image of FedEx freight shipping boxes on pallets
Image of FedEx freight shipping boxes on pallets
Image of FedEx freight shipping boxes on pallets

How to ship freight with flat rates and without having to classify your shipment**

The FedEx Freight® box gives you flat-rate shipping and more security. And because you don’t have to add a freight class, you can combine different commodities when you ship. Plus, you get the flexibility of two size options and fast, easy freight packing.

Other freight class FAQs

If you have questions about your freight’s class, please call FedEx Freight Customer Service at 1.866.393.4585 or your local FedEx Freight service center.


*Please note: Your LTL freight’s actual classification, as established in the National Motor Freight Classification™ (NMFC™), will be based on your commodity’s demonstrated transportation characteristics, including density, stowability, handling and liability. If you have questions about your freight’s actual classification, please contact FedEx Freight Customer Service at 1.866.393.4585, your local FedEx Freight service center or the National Motor Freight Traffic Association.

**Flat rates based on zone pricing. Find rates and zone information. Rates are subject to the General Rate Increase (GRI), and all accessorial charges in the FedEx Freight 100 Rules Tariff will apply. Exception: Item 404 (absolute minimum charge) will not apply as the FedEx Freight box is not discountable. Pricing is subject to the standard FedEx Freight 100 fuel surcharge. Use of the FedEx Freight box will supersede any negotiated pricing. Maximum liability is $7.50 per lb. Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada and Mexico are not covered by FedEx Freight box rates. Hazardous materials are prohibited. Maximum weight allowed for each freight box is 1,200 lbs.