FedEx signature requirements and delivery options
Here's what you'll find on this page:
Types of signature
No signature required
There are many shipments FedEx delivers that do not require a signature from the recipient. In many cases, FedEx will still attempt to obtain a signature at the designated delivery address. If no one is available to sign, FedEx may leave the package in a safe place without obtaining a signature.
Indirect signature required
FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address or from somebody nearby, such as a neighbor or building manager. The recipient has the option to authorize the shipment to be released without anyone present. This change can be requested for FedEx Express packages through FedEx Delivery Manager® or by signing a FedEx door tag.
Adult signature required
FedEx obtains a signature from someone at the delivery address who is at least the age of majority (no longer a minor) in the destination country. Government-issued photo identification or other identification customarily accepted by local authorities is required. If there is no eligible recipient at the address, FedEx may reattempt the delivery. For U.S. deliveries, the recipient must be 21 years of age and present government-issued photo identification.
Direct signature required
Someone at the recipient’s address must sign for the delivery. Direct signature deliveries are made to the address on the mailing label, not to an individual recipient. If no one is at the address, FedEx may reattempt the delivery.
Delivery attempts
If a shipment requires, either an indirect, direct or adult signature, and a delivery attempt is made, but no one is there to sign for the package, the driver will leave a door tag at the recipient’s door. If no signature is required, the shipment will be left at the recipient's door.
If a signature is required, the driver will typically try to deliver the package up to three times. If a label has been applied to the back of the tag, the driver was unable to leave the package due to signature requirements or felt the package was not safe to deliver. In those situations, FedEx may no longer automatically reattempt delivery and the package will be taken to a nearby FedEx location to be held for you to pick up.
The label on the door tag includes the pickup location address, business hours and time the package will be available. The door tag and a government-issued photo ID are needed for pickup. If you want FedEx to reattempt a delivery, please call customer support.
To avoid missed deliveries, sign up for FedEx Delivery Manager to request to hold your package at a FedEx location for you to pick up. If you already missed a delivery and received a door tag, make sure to follow the instructions on the door tag to ensure your delivery is made on the next attempt. If your shipment requires an indirect signature, then you can sign electronically through the FedEx Delivery Manager app or on fedex.com, but you cannot sign electronically for packages requiring an adult or direct signature. You must sign in person for adult or direct signature requirements.
If you know you won't be home to sign
If you know in advance you won't be home to sign for your package, you can choose from one of the below options while using FedEx Delivery Manager:
- Redirect your package to be held at a FedEx location for up to 10 days for FedEx Ground shipments and up to 5 days for FedEx Express shipments free of charge.
- Redirect your package to another location or schedule another delivery time. A fee will apply.
- Sign for the package electronically on your phone or computer if the signature required is an indirect signature. Electronic signatures cannot be used on deliveries that require an adult or direct signature.
Did you receive a door tag?
If you’re away when we try to deliver your package that requires a signature, we’ll leave a door tag that provides the key details you need about your package pickup or delivery. If you received a doortag, you will need to follow one of the options below:
- Download the FedEx®Mobile app and scan the barcode on your door tag. You will get specific information about your missed shipment and your available delivery options.
- Track online by entering in the tracking number located at the bottom of the doortag.
- Text the word follow and your door tag number (located at the bottom of the doortag) to 48773 (ex: follow DT999999999999).
- Sign the back of the form on your door tag (if eligible). If you are given the option to fill out a form and leave your signature on the door tag, then you can follow the prompts on the form and sign. This will authorize next-business-day delivery. This is only eligible for indirect signatures.
In some situations, a label will be applied to the back of the doortag, because the driver was unable to leave the package due to signature requirements or package safety. If this occurs, FedEx may no longer automatically reattempt delivery and the package will be taken to a nearby FedEx location to be held for you to pick up.
Safety Precautions for Signatures Requirements
Signature safety precautions for Direct Signature Required and Indirect Signature Required will change to more closely align with the current Adult Signature Required procedure, providing a consistent experience for our customers.
Couriers will now request a physical signature for all signature required packages, which was previously only requested for Adult Signature Required.
Recipients who are uncomfortable signing a courier’s device are not required to do so and can opt to have the courier sign “C-19” on the signature line in addition to keying in the recipient’s first initial last name.
Frequently asked questions
Does FedEx require a signature?
FedEx does not always require a signature for shipment delivery. The signature requirement or type of signature requirement is selected by the shipper when they are creating the shipping label.
However, signatures are always required for many types of shipments to be delivered, such as permitted shipments of alcohol, high value package goods, dangerous goods, hazardous materials, pharmaceuticals, and firearms.
When do you have to sign for a package with FedEx?
You only have to sign for a package if required by sender or by FedEx policy. To find out if your shipment requires a signature, you can look on the tracking information that is emailed from the sender or enter in the shipment's tracking number on fedex.com.
If your shipment requires an indirect signature, you can sign electronically through FedEx Delivery Manager. If the shipment requires a direct or adult signature, then someone must be available to sign in person. If someone is not home to sign for a direct or adult signature, the courier will leave a door tag or reattempt delivery.
How do I allow someone else to sign for my package?
If indirect signature is selected by the sender, then someone else at your address, or someone nearby, such as a neighbor or building manager, may sign for the package.
If nobody will be at the delivery address or near the delivery address to sign for the packages that requires an indirect signature, the recipient can sign for the package electronically through FedEx Delivery Manager. Electronic signature is not available for direct or adult signature required.
What if I am not home to sign for my package?
If you are not home to sign for your package, a doortag will be left at your door and the driver may reattempt delivery.
To avoid missed deliveries, sign up for FedEx Delivery Manager, where you will be able to sign electronically or give special instructions for delivery.
What if somebody signed for my package that wasn't me?
If your package shows it has been delivered and it is not at the designated delivery address, please contact Customer Service.
You can also select Proof of Delivery to see an image of the scanned signature (if this signature is available) this option can be found from the Obtain Proof of Delivery Tab on the tracking page. You can also have it faxed free of charge by calling customer support.**
How do I select signature services?
Signature options can be selected under the “Special Services” section when creating your label. Please note these will only appear with a destination that is enabled for those services. If you are shipping from a FedEx location, inform the FedEx employee of this selection.
Are signature options available for international shipments?
Signature options are currently available for 60-plus destination countries. Available countries and options may change over time; however, your automation solutions are automatically updated and only offer the FedEx Delivery Signature Options currently available in each destination country.
Is there a fee for adding a signature to my shipment?
Fees may apply for adding a signature requirement to your shipment. Views fees and surcharges.
How do I obtain proof of delivery?
You can find proof of delivery containing an image of the scanned signature (if this signature is available) the Obtain Proof of Delivery Tab on the tracking page. You can also have it faxed free of charge by calling customer support.**
Why is the FedEx driver asking to scan my ID at delivery?
Effective 06/28/22, FedEx will introduce scanning technology that electronically captures the recipient’s first initial, last name, and automatically verifies age requirements are met for deliveries requiring an adult signature. The software does not record or store any other personal data (e.g., driver's license number, birthdate, home address, etc.). If you are expecting a delivery, please have your valid government-issued photo ID ready at the time of delivery.
What if I do not want to have my ID scanned at delivery?
If you decline to have your ID scanned at delivery, your age will be verified by the driver by manually entering your date of birth. The driver will also manually enter your first initial and last name.
Can anyone 21 years or older accept my adult signature required for package delivery?
Yes. Any individual 21 years or older who is not visibly intoxicated at the delivery address may present their ID for age verification and accept your adult signature required delivery.
What data will FedEx collect when an ID is scanned?
- FedEx will only record the first initial and last name of the ID holder, which is part of the existing proof of delivery information that is captured for all signature deliveries.
- FedEx will not record or store any other personal data encoded within a recipient’s ID (e.g., driver's license number, birthdate, home address, etc.) and no picture of the ID is taken.
If a recipient does not have a driver’s license, what other forms of ID are acceptable?
The following forms of ID can be scanned:
- U.S. driver license
- U.S. Passport (only available for FedEx Ground deliveries)
- U.S. state ID
- U.S. military ID
If another form of ID that is unable to be scanned is provided, it will be inspected manually for age verification.
Does the name and address on the shipping label have to match with the name and address on the ID of the recipient?
No. A recipient’s ID will be scanned to verify the individual accepting the adult signature required delivery is 21 years or older.
**A FedEx account number is required to get complete proof-of-delivery information.