FedEx help: international shipping videos

Explore FedEx video tutorials for navigating international shipping. Get step-by-step support for customs documentation, shipping regulations, and more.

Explore FedEx video tutorials for navigating international shipping. Get step-by-step support for customs documentation, shipping regulations, and more.

Explore FedEx video tutorials for navigating international shipping. Get step-by-step support for customs documentation, shipping regulations, and more.

Help for international shipping

Learn how to create international shipments, complete customs forms, and submit documentation.

Managing your international shipping preferences

See how to start an international shipment. Get information on using FedEx Ship Manager for sending packages and  accessing documents. You can also save information about your shipments for future use.

Understanding and completing customs documents

Watch the step-by-step process for completing customs requirements, shipping documents, and more. FedEx®
Global Trade Manager makes it easy to finish everything on your international shipping to-do list.

Setting up Electronic Trade Documents (ETDs)

View the steps for using FedEx Ship Manager to set up ETDs. Completing this task online can help your package clear the customs process and avoid delivery delays.

Filing Electronic Export Information (EEI) documents

Learn more about shipments that require Electronic Export Information. See if your shipment needs this document. Then, learn how to file it with the FedEx Export AgentFile® tool.

ETD setup on the FedEx Ship Manager

Learn how to create an electronic letterhead and electronic signature, and how to submit international paperwork electronically.

Satisfying customers with timely deliveries

Learn about services and tools to help you clear customs and deliver on time—next day or next week. Plus, find out how estimated delivery times and real-time tracking can help improve your customer’s experience.

Estimating international shipping rates

Learn about the factors that influence your international shipping costs. And discover services and tools to help you calculate rates before you ship.

Clearing customs with confidence

Find out how FedEx International Shipping Assist can help you determine which customs documents you need. Then get help filling them out accurately. Get tips and other information to help you navigate customs clearance like a pro.

Avoiding delays for global deliveries

Learn about steps you can take to help prevent delayed deliveries—like declaring an accurate item value and submitting error-free documents. Plus, find out how you can stay in the know with regulatory alerts about service disruptions.

More resources

Still need help? Here are a few options to assist you.

Check out the How-to Hub for more guides, tutorials, and insights.

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