FedEx help: account and billing videos

Watch FedEx help videos to easily manage your account, billing, and claims. Learn how to streamline account management and simplify billing processes.

Watch FedEx help videos to easily manage your account, billing, and claims. Learn how to streamline account management and simplify billing processes.

Watch FedEx help videos to easily manage your account, billing, and claims. Learn how to streamline account management and simplify billing processes.

Account management tools

Get help adding authorized users, setting permissions, and integrating your customer list to create labels.

Accessing your account and adding users

Watch and learn how to set up and manage your account with FedEx® Administration. Control who has authorized access to your account. And update other important information, like your address and billing information.

Organizing with templates

Get more helpful tips for using FedEx Administration. Learn to import, update, and delete information—even up to 250 pieces of data at once.

Managing user permissions
and passwords

See how to manage users in FedEx Administration. Control who can access functions, send packages, and receive shipments. You can also customize settings for groups and individuals.

Integrating customer lists into shipping accounts

Discover how FedEx Ship Manager can save you time when processing shipments. See the step-by-step process for pulling customer information from other sources with FedEx® Integration Assistant.

Billing, reporting, and claims

Explore tools to assist you with managing invoices, creating reports, and resolving shipping issues.

Managing billing for parcel and ground shipments

See how to use FedEx® Billing online to manage your invoices in one place. Get detailed directions to pay your bill, access account activity, file disputes, and more.

Customizing your dashboard

Watch demos for customizing your dashboard, creating reports, and managing settings. Discover how FedEx® Reporting Online streamlines and filters account information to provide you with easy-to-use data.

More resources

Still need help? Here are a few options to assist you.

Check out the How-to Hub for more guides, tutorials, and insights.

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