How to reset forgotten password or find user ID

Customers can use to retrieve a lost or forgotten user id or password.

Customers can use to retrieve a lost or forgotten user id or password.

Customers can use to retrieve a lost or forgotten user id or password.

How do I reset my password or find a user ID?

Select Sign Up or Log In from the header. Then click SIGN UP / LOG IN.

FedEx Login screen
FedEx Login screen
FedEx Login screen

Once on the login screen, click FORGOT YOUR USER ID OR PASSWORD?

Forgot password screen
Forgot password screen
Forgot password screen

After clicking the link, the screen will display two options:

  • If they need to reset their password, they should click RESET PASSWORD.
  • If they have forgotten their user ID, they should click RETRIEVE USER ID.
Forgot password screen
Forgot password screen
Forgot password screen

Clicking RESET PASSWORD takes you to a screen where you provide your user ID and click SUBMIT.

Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

After submitting a valid user ID, you will see a screen where you can choose how to receive a verification code.

  • SEND AN EMAIL (All users will see this option)
  • SEND A TEXT (Depending on service availability for the user’s contact details)
  • CALL ME (Depending on service availability for the user’s contact details)
Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

Next you will see a screen to enter the verification code and you should receive the code via the method you selected. Enter the verification code and click CONTINUE.

Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

Now you can choose a new password and click SUBMIT.

Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

You will then see a screen confirming that you’ve successfully reset your password.

Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

To retrieve your user id(s), click RETRIEVE USER ID.

Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

On the next screen enter the email address associated with your user ID and click SUBMIT.

Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

You will then see a screen confirming that an email with your user id(s) has been sent to the email address you’ve entered.

Reset password screen
Reset password screen
Reset password screen

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