Unlock savings on nearly every shipment.

Open a free personal or business FedEx account today.

Open a business account or log in to your existing account

Open a free personal or business FedEx account today.

Open a business account or log in to your existing account

Open a free personal or business FedEx account today.

Open a business account or log in to your existing account

Enjoy built-in savings, fewer costs, and clear prices for all your shipping needs.

Save on shipping

Ship and save on domestic, international, returns services, and residential and delivery area surcharges.

Save on shipping

Ship and save on domestic, international, returns services, and residential and delivery area surcharges.

Clear shipping fees

No fees on return labels, third-party billing, or address corrections.

Transparent rates

Straight-forward prices from the get-go. FedEx One Rate lets you ship packages that weigh 50 pounds or less to anywhere in the U.S. for a fixed price.1

Transparent rates

Straight-forward prices from the get-go. FedEx One Rate lets you ship packages that weigh 50 pounds or less to anywhere in the U.S. for a fixed price.1

Discover the benefits of opening a FedEx account*

Store information to create shipments faster and reduce manual tasks.
Quickly find and track previous shipments.
Ship to earn gift cards from popular retailers with FedEx Rewards.
Get free FedEx packaging (free packaging is not for use with FedEx Ground or FedEx Home Delivery services.).
Schedule one-time, recurring, or automated pickups.
Seamlessly integrate FedEx shipping into your checkout process for customers.

Store information to create shipments faster and
reduce manual tasks.

Store information to create shipments faster and reduce manual tasks.

Quickly find and track
previous shipments.

Quickly find and track previous shipments.

Ship to earn gift cards from popular retailers with FedEx Rewards.

Get free FedEx packaging (free packaging is not for use with FedEx Ground or FedEx Home Delivery services.).

Schedule one-time,
recurring, or automated pickups.

Schedule one-time, recurring, or automated pickups.

Seamlessly integrate FedEx shipping into your checkout process for customers.

How are personal and business FedEx accounts different?

Both personal and business FedEx accounts are free. If you're selling a product or service—even as a sole proprietor—a business account is recommended.

Business account

Personal account

Save on shipping



Create shipments faster



Find and track previous shipments



Easily schedule pickups



Free FedEx Rewards membership



Receive an initial sales support call


  Business account Personal account
Save on shipping checked checked
Create shipments faster checked checked
Find and track previous shipments checked checked
Easily schedule pickups checked checked
Free FedEx Rewards membership checked checked
Receive an initial sales support call checked  

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How much is a FedEx account?

It's free to create a FedEx account. There's no fee for setup or membership. When you create a FedEx account, you provide a credit card number so that your billing information is tied to your account. To verify the credit card information, a temporary $1 hold may be placed on your credit card.

How do I get a FedEx account number?

Once you complete the FedEx account setup process, you’ll get a nine-digit account number.

Do I need a FedEx account to ship?

No. You can create a one-time shipment without setting up an account or storing credit card information. 

What do I get from FedEx Rewards?

With FedEx Rewards, you can earn gift cards from brand-name retailers when you ship with FedEx. It’s free to join, and you’ll automatically be enrolled if you open a FedEx business account. When you enroll, you get a new member welcome offer and will receive regular bonus offers. You can also request a refund or credit if an eligible FedEx parcel shipment arrives late. For details, a complete listing of eligible products and services for rewards, and information on requesting refunds and credits, please read FedEx Rewards Terms and Conditions.

Where do I find my FedEx account number?

Log in to your account. Select My Profile from the dropdown menu, then click Account Management. If your account number is hidden, go to the Create a Shipment page and select Contact your administrator for assistance. You can also find your nine-digit account number on the top right corner of any invoice.

How do I manage my FedEx account?

Use our online account management tools. Find out how to update your account information, access your address book, view invoices, and more. To make things even easier, link your account number to access billing and reporting.

If you forget your user ID or password, follow these steps to reset it.

Looking for something else? See more account FAQs.