Woman in red looking at a laptop


A suite of cloud-based enterprise applications in delivery management providing carrier connectivity, orchestration, and innovation for finer supply chains in 125+ countries. The platform empowers retailers, brand wholesalers and manufacturers, and logistics service providers with seamless and agile delivery capability, turning it into a strategic go-to-market asset.



Solution Type

Transportation Management

Regions Supported

U.S., Canada, Europe, LAC

Customer Sizes

Medium, Large


Retail/E-Commerce, Third-Party Logistics Providers, Wholesale & Manufacturing


 Fast Onboarding, Global Reach, Fully Scalable


Carrier Compliance, End-to-End Visibility with Control Tower and Customer Communication, Finance Control with Rating, Invoice Audit and Billing Proposal 

Shipping Volume

 Fully Scalable 


 Call for Pricing 






Centiro believes in empowering logistics for successful companies. The cloud-based application suite for delivery management and logistics collaboration allows shippers to manage and use a global catalogue of delivery services — inbound, outbound, and returns — for a seamless and consistent customer experience.

Centiro provides a full range of value-creating features with the end customer in mind; from up-stream service selection, labels, and manifesting through tracking and proactive event management to end-to-end order-process overviews. This gives shippers complete visibility and optimized control over how delivery services are deployed and used. Centiro has a long-standing history of serving the finest, most innovative, and demanding supply chains in the world.

Centiro holds industry leading security certifications for ISO/IEC 27001, 27017, 27018, and 27032. This addresses a range of strategic and business-critical perspectives from general security to processing of personal information and cybersecurity. Centiro partners with key logistics service providers, and software vendors including JDA, IBM, SAP, and Microsoft.