How to manage FedEx Express & FedEx Ground Billing Online
View step-by-step operating instructions for FedEx Billing Online (FBO) designed to help you streamline your billing process.
Here's what you'll find on this page:
Pay or manage Billing Online
Choose your shipping type to access unique online billing features to meet your needs, or pay without logging in. Need to register? Sign up now with FedEx Express & FedEx Ground or FedEx Freight.

Don't have time to log in?
That’s okay. You can use our payment portal to make a payment without logging into an account.

Want printable steps?
Download the free guide to learn how to use FedEx Billing Online. The guide gives step-by-step help for navigating the tool.

How to log in to Billing Online account
Step 1: Visit the login page for Express & Ground Billing Online or go to fedex.com, click the Support tab, select Billing & Invoicing and select Express & Ground Login.
Step 2: Enter your User ID and Password and select Login.

Logging in takes you to your Account Summary page. This page provides a complete overview of recent activity in your account, including an up-to-date balance and list of all open, past due and closed invoices.

How to print or download a copy of invoice
Step 1: Log in to your Billing Online account.
Step 2: On the Account Summary tab, select from Open, Past Due, Paid/Closed or In Dispute to view invoices.

Step 3: Choose the invoice you want to print by selecting the PDF icon of the invoice number you want to print or download.
Need to print multiple invoices?
One-click print feature enables you to select up to 10 invoices to print at a time (either in a ZIP file or in a combined PDF file).

Step 4: Your web browser will generate a printable page. Use the print function to print this optimized page. To download, select the Download button on the printable page; choose the desired download template and the file format.

How to pay an invoice
Step 1: Log in to your Billing Online account.
Step 2: In the Account Summary tab, select from Open, Past Due to view invoices for payment.

Step 3: Choose the invoices you want to pay by selecting the checkbox (or checkboxes) next to the invoice then selecting Pay.
Once you select the payment option, the check mark will update to a shopping cart icon. This will automatically add your selected invoices to the FedEx Billing Online payment cart. When you are ready to finalize your payment select the View Cart link in the top right hand. From the payment cart screen, you will have the opportunity to review your selections, make any changes, or add more items before finalizing your payment.
Note: You may not be able to pay an invoice if the invoice status is shown as "Pending" or "In Dispute" as referenced on the Account Summary. You may be able to schedule a payment on the Invoice Detail page.

Step 4: Review your Payment Cart details and select your method of payment in the Payment Options box.
Mail Check - Enter your Check Number in the box then select Submit Payment. Print the Payment Summary form and mail your check and the form to the address on the form. When sending your Payment Summary to FedEx with your payment, be sure to send the complete summary and do not detach any part of the summary from the original printout. You will be notified via email if FedEx has not received the payment within 14 days.
Credit Card - Select the profile with your desired payment method on file, choose a payment date then select Submit Payment. A Credit Card payment can be scheduled up to 15 days from the actual date the payment request is made and submitted.

Electronic Funds Transfers - EFT require you to schedule a payment date from your bank account using the dropdown menu. An EFT payment can be scheduled up to 15 days from the actual date the payment request is made and submitted.

Step 5: Confirm your payment via the Payment Confirmation screen.
EFT, Credit Card, Check - You will receive a reference number which identifies a specific payment. The status of your payment will be updated automatically and indicated on the Payment Confirmation screen. Pending payment invoices will be indicated by the payment pending icon on the left-hand side of the table.
*You always have the option to change the status of a scheduled payment. A payment can be cancelled any time, from the date the payment request is submitted until the scheduled payment date. Simply click the link in the Payment Status column on the Account Summary screen to edit your scheduled payment

How to dispute an invoice or surcharges
Step 1: Log in to your Billing Online account.
Step 2: From the Account Summary page, Select the Invoice Number of the invoice you want to dispute. You will be taken to the Invoice Details page.

Step 3: Confirm the invoice, then select the individual tracking number you want to dispute. Once the Tracking ID Detail page displays, select the Dispute button.
Helpful tip! Disputes cannot be submitted in batches.
Step 4: Select your Dispute Type and Reason. Add any Additional Comments then select the Submit Dispute button.
Note: If Rebill to another account is selected, a box will display requiring a new Account Number to bill. FBO will validate the account number provided. If it is a valid and billable account number, FBO will credit the current charges .
You can view all pending disputes from the Account Summary page under the Disputes tab. Disputes will stay open until they are resolved.

Note: If Rebill to another account is selected, a box will display requiring a new Account Number to bill. FBO will validate the account number provided. If it is valid and billable, FBO will credit the current charges and send the shipment data to the Rebill Engine to be included on the new account number’s next invoice.
You can view all disputes from the Account Summary page under the Disputes tab. Disputes will stay open until they are resolved.

How to update credit card information
For accounts that are billed to a credit card, use this guide to update your payment information.
Step 1: Log in to your Billing Online account.
Step 2: From the Account Summary page, select the My Options tab.
Step 3: Select Update Credit Card and enter your new payment information. Save your changes.

How to update account billing information
If you receive an invoice for your account and need to update the shipping or billing address, here are the steps for making changes:
Note: Account address information cannot be changed from within your billing online account. The following steps require accessing your administration account.
Step 1: Visit the login page for FedEx Administration or go to fedex.com, click the Profile tab, and select Administrative Tools.
Step 2: Click FedEx Accounts from the side navigation to access the Manage FedEx Accounts screen and then select an account.
Step 3: The Edit Account screen will display, with the options to edit FedEx Account Details or the Shipping Address.
Step 4: Click Edit, and change the billing address information as needed. Click Save to save the changes or Cancel to discard changes.
Did you know? If your account is billed to a credit card, you can view billing details associate with the charges and update the credit card information by logging into your Billing Online account.
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