FedEx® Web Integration Solutions

Get support when and where you need it.

Get support when and where you need it.

Get support when and where you need it.

Three business colleagues use a laptop to access the developer resource center.
Three business colleagues use a laptop to access the developer resource center.
Three business colleagues use a laptop to access the developer resource center.

Self-Service Resources

Download the code you need to integrate FedEx services into your site at the FedEx Developer Resource Center. Plus, access a comprehensive developer guide and sample code.

A team of workers in a meeting and using laptops
A team of workers in a meeting and using laptops
A team of workers in a meeting and using laptops

Email Support

Simply fill out the form, and we’ll send your request to our team of web service specialists. They’ll address your questions as quickly as possible.

A customer service operator talks to a customer via a telephone headset.
A customer service operator talks to a customer via a telephone headset.
A customer service operator talks to a customer via a telephone headset.

Phone Support

A FedEx Web Integration Solutions Consultant shakes hands with a customer.
A FedEx Web Integration Solutions Consultant shakes hands with a customer.
A FedEx Web Integration Solutions Consultant shakes hands with a customer.

Integration Consultants

If you’re in preproduction stages of implementing a FedEx web integration solution and would like to speak with a FedEx Web Integration Solutions Consultation (WISC) team member, contact your FedEx account executive or call technical support 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Central time Monday–Friday and 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Central time on Saturdays please call customer support.

They’ll forward your request to a WISC consultant, who will contact you within three business days.

Helpful Resources