Team member by a FedEx airplane, giving a thumbs up.

QDM in action

Put QDM to work for you

At FedEx, we’ve led hundreds of successful projects with QDM. It's how we give our customers great experiences, work to improve results and help team members worldwide feel more engaged in their jobs. With QDM, every day becomes an opportunity and no challenge is too great.

We believe QDM can help anyone — from individuals and entrepreneurs to small businesses to large corporations — improve the way they work, develop creative new ideas and products, and get better results.

Quality Improvement Toolkit

Enter the Quality Improvement Toolkit. It introduces the key ideas and methods of QDM and shows you how to put them to work immediately.

In this free downloadable kit, you'll:

  • Start by learning about our six QDM Principles that set the stage for quality improvements and innovation.
  • Dig into our four-step process that will help enable you to find, launch and test new ideas.
  • Get seven of our most flexible, easy-to-use tools that you can apply as needed to help you identify issues and find opportunities for improvement.

Collage of pages from the Quality Improvement Toolkit.
Collage of pages from the Quality Improvement Toolkit.
Collage of pages from the Quality Improvement Toolkit.