Global policies

As a company doing business globally, we are committed to being ethical and lawful. Our reputation as a trusted shipping provider depends on the business actions and reputations of our team members.

FedEx antitrust policy

Policy on compliance with antitrust/competition laws

Summary: Employees must comply with all applicable antitrust and competition laws. Our policy is to compete vigorously, but also fairly and honestly. Specific rules govern behavior around competitors and regarding Trade Associations.

FedEx human rights policy

Global human rights policy

Summary: At FedEx, we are committed to protecting human rights in our operations. We require our third parties to respect human rights. Team members must comply with the law, treat others with dignity and respect, and report any suspected violation of human rights.

FedEx human trafficking policy

Policy prohibiting trafficking in persons

Summary: Certain activities are prohibited and employees are obligated to report suspicious activity.