Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest

FedEx has a longstanding commitment to not only perform lawfully and ethically,
but to be above reproach.

Conflicts of interest policy

Global conflicts of interest policy

Summary: Team members are obligated to avoid conflicts of interest, identify potential conflicts of interest and follow established procedure to report them.

Political contributions policy

FedEx corporation policy on political contributions

Summary: FedEx makes political contributions and expenditures to further the best interests of the company, our stockholders and employees. We follow all applicable regulation for our contributions. Team members can voluntarily join the company’s non-partisan political action committee, the FedExPAC. Team members are not prevented from participating in politics; however, we will not compensate or reimburse them for their donations. Participation should not happen on company time.

Gifts and entertainment policy

Global gifts and entertainment policy

Summary: In order to be above the appearance of wrongdoing, team members should follow the established policy. This policy covers giving and receiving gifts, as well as entertainment.