Speaking up

Speaking up

Speaking up

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It is important to ask questions, share ideas for improvement, and raise concerns to your manager. All managers have an “open door” so that you can go to them for help. If you think something is not right or is inconsistent with the law, our Code, or other company policies, you must speak up, get help, and report your concern.

What you’ll find on this page:

Report concerns

Unethical, illegal, unsafe, or other improper actions are contrary to FedEx values. These actions can harm our team members, customers, and brand. By speaking up, you are preserving our culture and protecting others. We can’t address concerns unless we first know about them.

If you believe a legal, policy, or ethical violation has occurred, it is your duty to report it to a manager, human resources, the legal department, or the FedEx Alert Line. FedEx prohibits any form of retaliation against a person who reports in good faith any known or suspected misconduct.

Trust the FedEx Alert Line

The FedEx Alert Line allows you to provide confidential reports of any known or suspected violation of the law, the Code, or other company policy or other unethical or unsafe behavior. You can make a report online or, in most countries and territories, by calling a toll-free number. Both options are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, virtually anywhere in the world. An independent third party intakes all reports.

When making a report, you can choose to identify yourself or, where allowed by law, you can report anonymously. Visit fedexalertline.com to report online or to find the phone number for your country or territory. In the U.S. the phone number is 1.866.42.FedEx (1.866.423.3339).

Ensure non-retaliation

All managers are expected to promote a safe environment for team members to ask questions, voice concerns, and report incidents. FedEx prohibits retaliation against anyone for raising or reporting an issue in good faith. If you suspect retaliation, speak up and report your concern.

Understand investigations

If you report a violation of law, the Code, or a policy or procedure, the report normally will be handled by investigators from human resources, security, safety, and the legal department. If appropriate, a report could be handled by the internal audit department or by an external party. In each case, those assigned to the matter will try to figure out if misconduct has occurred. If so, FedEx will respond promptly and appropriately.

The responsible team members at FedEx will keep reports and investigations confidential to the extent possible. Sometimes investigators may need to use or disclose information to conduct a full investigation and provide a fair process to anyone accused of misconduct. They also may use selected information to implement follow-up training or corrective action. For certain matters, FedEx may be required to disclose information to regulatory agencies or other government authorities. Because we strive to protect the confidentiality of all participants in an investigation, FedEx generally does not disclose the outcome or specific actions taken due to an investigation, unless required by law.

If necessary, we may ask you to help with an investigation. In such cases, our policies require you to cooperate. Whether you have been asked to assist or not, you must not interfere with an investigation, offer false information, disclose details of an investigation to third parties, or alter or destroy records.