Open an account
Sign up now and save up to 70%* on the FedEx list rates!
Choose your account type
How would you like to pay?
If you pay by credit card, you can start shipping immediately
You’ll only be charged after creating your shipment
To verify your account, we’ll place TWD30 on hold
You can only start shipping after our team creates your account
You’ll have to pay within 30 days of receiving your invoice
After signing up, we’ll reach out within a few days to get you started
How would you like to pay?
If you pay by credit card, you can start shipping immediately
You’ll only be charged after creating your shipment
To verify your account, we’ll place TWD30 on hold
What's in it for you?
Personalized rates
Receive discounts based on how much you ship.
Simplified shipping
With easy access tools such as address books, online billing, and reporting.
Free supplies
Receive free FedEx Express packaging and shipping supplies.
Get rewarded
Earn points every time you ship with My FedEx Rewards.
*Discounts available to accounts opened with a credit card: up to 70% (subject to change)
*Discount available to business accounts on standard 30 days credit terms: up to 55% (subject to change)