Value Added Tax
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has introduced Value Added Tax (VAT) with effect from January 1, 2018, in accordance with the framework agreement among Gulf Cooperation Council (the "GCC") Member States, known as the Unified VAT Agreement for the Cooperation Council for Arab States of the Gulf. KSA applied a basic VAT rate of 5% to Taxable Supplies and Imports made in the country, the basic VAT rate was revised to 15% with effect from July 1, 2020.
FedEx is required to issue tax compliant invoices to the recipients of its services. To ensure that invoices include your correct details and, most importantly, your correct Tax Registration Number (TRN), FedEx Express has started the process of collecting VAT information. Please download, fill, attach the template and send it to AR.FDXKSA@fedex.com along with a copy of the tax registration certificate.
Fill the following information in the template:
- A list of your FedEx shipping account numbers and the corresponding Tax Registration Number for each account.
- The details of your registered office address as mentioned in your Tax Registration Certificate. FedEx will raise invoices with this address only.
- Attach a copy of the Tax Registration Certificate (if available).
Please note:
- FedEx will consider all Tax Registration details sent only to AR.FDXKSA@fedex.com.
- If you have not received your Tax Registration Certificate, please provide us a copy when you receive it.
- FedEx is in the process of updating its information technology systems to make necessary provisions to incorporate VAT requirements.
- Please email any questions to: AR.FDXKSA@fedex.com.
FedEx VAT details
FedEx Tax Registration details:
Name of the entity: FedEx Express Saudi Arabia Transportation Company LLC
Registered Address: Al Olaya District, Building No.9026, Unit No.6Zip Code 12611-2405, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tax Registration Number:310427409100003