Corporate Reports
At FedEx, we are committed to full transparency and sound corporate governance. We frequently distribute related company information to ensure all our stakeholders are fully informed and knowledgeable.
- FedEx Rate Card 2022
- FedEx Rate Card 2021
- Please contact GBS Broker for Customs Clearance rates. Federal Express LLC Customs Clearance rates can be found here.
FedEx Conditions of Carriage
- FedEx Conditions of Carriage for Europe, The Middle East, The Indian Subcontinent and Africa (effective from April 20, 2020 till May 31, 2021)
- FedEx Conditions of Carriage for Europe (effective from June 1, 2021)
- Antique Declaration
- Artwork Declaration
- Bearing Checksheet
- Declaration or Free Entry - Personal Effects
- Electric Motor and Generator Worksheet
- EPA Motor and Engines
- Footwear Declaration Invoice
- Foreign Shippers Declaration
- Lacey Act
- Printed Curcuit Board Worksheet
- Radiation Declaration
- Textile Checklist
- Toxic Substance Control Act
- Watch Worksheet