Delivery Signature Options

Delivery Signature Options


Choose how you want your packages signed for

Whether you require a signature to prove the safe arrival of your valuable goods, the signature of an adult, or perhaps no signature at all, FedEx provides a range of delivery options to meet your needs. You can select your preferred delivery option at the time of booking your shipment. Some delivery options are subject to an additional surcharge.

It’s simple, flexible and it’s your choice!

FedEx® Delivery Signature Options you can choose from:

Key benefits

Flexibility to cater for each customer's unique need.
Flexibility to cater for each customer's unique need.
Flexibility to cater for each customer's unique need.

Flexibility to cater for each customer's unique need.

 Ensure any legal age restrictions are taken into account at the time of delivery.
 Ensure any legal age restrictions are taken into account at the time of delivery.
 Ensure any legal age restrictions are taken into account at the time of delivery.

Ensure any legal age restrictions are taken into account at the time of delivery.

Service availability


These options are available from and to selected countries/territories for documents and packages weighing up to 68kg on FedEx International Priority®, FedEx International Priority® Express, FedEx® International Connect Plus, FedEx International Economy® and FedEx International First®. Service availability may vary according to place of collection and destination. Please contact us for details.