Open an account to receive discounts on shipping and other benefits
Open an account to receive discounts on shipping and other benefits
Volume discounts
Receive discounts based on your shipping volume.

Advanced shipping tool
Streamline the way you Ship with the new FedEx Ship Manager®.

Simplify shipping
With easy access tools such as address books, online billing, and reporting.

Account Management
Online account management tools including support on custom documents, user management, and more.

Apply for an account with easy payment terms
Complete the contact form. One of our Customer Service Representatives will contact you within two - three business days to help you apply for a 9-digit FedEx account with terms. No credit card required.
Plus, take advantage of these other benefits when you open an account:
- Quickly find and track previous shipments
- Schedule pickups easily
- Create one-piece shipments online
- Seamlessly integrate your FedEx account number into your merchant account across multiple marketplaces and platforms
Frequently asked questions
You do not need an account to ship a package. You can create a one-time shipment without setting up an account or storing credit card information.
Business accounts with easy payment terms may receive discounts based on their shipping volume. Please talk to your Sales Executive for more information about volume discounts.