Customs documentation support

Customs Documentation Support


How to complete a Commercial Invoice

The Commercial Invoice is the primary document used by most foreign customs agencies for import control, valuation and duty determination. Download our Commercial Invoice template in editable pdf format below.

Complete the following steps to fill in the Commercial Invoice:

1. International Air Waybill number

Enter the FedEx International Air Waybill number, our main reference for your shipment.

2. Export references (ie. order number, invoice number, etc.)

An invoice number is always required for customs

3. Shipper / Exporter

Complete name, address, telephone number and Tax ID number

4. Consignee / Importer

Complete name, address, telephone number and importer’s Tax ID number

5. Importer – if other than consignee

If the shipment will be handled by an importer who is not the recipient, complete full name, address and telephone number.

6. Full description of goods

The description should answer:

  • What is it?
  • How many are there?
  • What is it made of?
  • What is it intended for?
  • Examples:
    • Two steel springs for woodworking machine
    • 30 pages of legal documents
    • Food — one can of sliced peaches

7. Country/Territory of Manufacture

Complete the country/territory in which each of the commodities in your shipment was originally manufactured or produced. If you have multiple commodities with different countries/territories of manufacture, please include each country/territory of manufacture beside each product description.

8. Unit Value

A true customs value is required, even if there is no transactional value for the goods being shipped. If you have multiple commodities with different values, please include each value beside each product description.

9. Signature

Before you sign the declaration, ensure that all the information is consistent with the Air Waybill. Please place the original commercial invoice and two copies, all individually signed, on the package, together with the Air Waybill.

How to complete your Air Waybill online and upload your customs documentation with FedEx Ship Manager® at