FedEx Online Tools
FedEx Online Tools
Choose FedEx to deliver your time-sensitive, important shipments to and from over 220 countries and territories world-wide. Import or export, express or less urgent, small packages or heavyweight, FedEx has the service you need.
Shipping Tools
Choose FedEx to deliver your time-sensitive, important shipments to and from over 220 countries and territories world-wide. Import or export, express or less urgent, small packages or heavyweight, FedEx has the service you need.
Account Preferences
View and make changes to your FedEx profile. Access all invoices,
payment set up information, and keep your email preferences up to date.
Email Preferences
- Edit your email address
- Update your subscription preferences
Address Book
- Create new contacts
- Edit addresses for senders, recipients or bothÂ
Shipping Tools
Choose FedEx to deliver your time-sensitive, important shipments to and from over 220 countries and territories world-wide. Import or export, express or less urgent, small packages or heavyweight, FedEx has the service you need.
Customs Support Tools
Find, complete and submit your customs documentation online. Our tools will help you accurately prepare and submit the right customs documentation every time.

Find the right customs documents, shipping advisories, country profiles, harmonized codes and much more using FedEx® Global Trade Manager (available in English only).
Complete, save and manage customs documents using the FedEx® Document Preparation Centre Manager (available in English only).

Submit your customs documents electronically for smoother customs clearance with FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents.

Find and complete the right export documents for less complex international shipments quickly and easily with FedEx® International Shipping Assist.
Shipping Tools
Choose FedEx to deliver your time-sensitive, important shipments to and from over 220 countries and territories world-wide. Import or export, express or less urgent, small packages or heavyweight, FedEx has the service you need.
Get visibility into your shipment’s status from origin to destination, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with our online tracking tools.

By Tracking Number/
Reference/Door Tag
Need the status of your shipment or a proof of delivery? Enter your tracking number or reference number or door tag.

Advanced Tracking
Sign up to access advanced levels of visibility to monitor your shipments for FedEx Express®.

Mobile Tracking
We know you’re busy. With FedEx® Mobile Solutions you can ship, track, schedule, and more when it’s convenient for you.
Additional Online Tools

Find a Location
The FedEx Locator engine will automatically* find the nearest FedEx Location from your computer or mobile device. Manual search is also possible by typing an address, city name, zip code or even a landmark anywhere in the world, just like you would when using a search engine.
*If you share your location in your browser or mobile device.

FedEx Billing Online
Give yourself the insight and control you need, when you need it, with FedEx® Billing Online. This powerful online billing solution provides total transparency and control, meaning you not only know what went where and how much it cost, but also have the ability to dispute charges, download your invoice data, and make payments. It doesn’t matter if you handle 1,000 shipments a day or 10; FedEx Billing Online is an asset for every business.